SRB2K Character Mods
SPhenix✨ for Sunflower
Sunflower is an optimist, or at least she tries to be. She's very emotionally-charged - she can be excited one minute, and on the verge of tears the next. She can also be pretty awkward when it comes to socialising. However, she likes to run marathons, so her physical prowess is not to be underestimated.
- english
- female teen
- animation/character
- video game
- female young adult
- australian
Ignore this section, and just record the listed lines above.
This is a nice audition, thanks for applying! I think this isn't quite ready yet, because there's improvements that can be made.Firstly, your delivery of the short voice lines is pretty much perfect. But for the longer voice lines, your consonants need to be more articulated. It's too difficult to make out what you're saying. Please take care to enunciate your consonants!
Secondly, while I think all your lines were in-character for Sunflower, I don't think you put emotion in mind when saying "I'm better than this." It would be better for Sunflower to sound disappointed in herself when she says this.
I do hope you resubmit, because there's potential here! While I like your Hebrew accent added to the character, I wonder whether you'll attempt an Australian accent for Sunflower? Either is good, in my opinion.
Thanks for the reply! I'll try doing it better:) In the line "I'm better than this" I actually thought she was meant to be kind of angry, but I can do disappointed too! And about the accent, I can try:)