A Silent Voice Chapter 1 Fandub
Itchi for Takeuchi
Takeuchi appears to be a rather uncaring and self-righteous individual. Soon after Shōko’s transfer into his class, Takeuchi begins to see her as a burden and is quick to hand some of his responsibility for her onto Naoka, who is also another student he should be guiding. When Shōya begins bullying Shōko, Takeuchi is aware of the situation but rarely takes action to stop him, failing to even properly explain why he shouldn’t pick on Shōko when he does bother to punish him. Takeuchi continues to ignore Shōya’s actions until the principal gets involved, where Takeuchi blames Shōya completely for the bullying of Shōko, despite the clear involvement of other students and himself as a teacher. His ignorant behavior continues when Shōya becomes the target of bullying, refusing to believe or help his student when Shōya sincerely looks to him for any assistance.
Even when he meets Shōya and Shōko again years later, his personality remains largely unchanged, something that deeply angers Shōya. Takeuchi views Shōya as a respectable man based on appearances and choice of high school alone.
If you could sound similar to his English VA, Marc Diraison, that would be great, but it is not required!
English VA Example: https://youtu.be/bqZmWIjElBE -Spread throughout this scene
- english
- male adult
- north american
- fandub
Listen up, everyone. You're going to have a new friend in class, starting today.
Let's see... where should you sit? Why don't you scoot your desk back a bit, Mr. Ishida?