Revelations Duel Arena - Season 2 (A Yu-Gi-Oh! Animatic Series)
Joel Turnbull for The Executor

Age 2000+
Main Character
approx. 4000 words
An ancient being who first joined the Order of Eternity over 2 centuries ago, Executor boasts
considerable strength and intellect. In order to survive, his entire body has been slowly replaced with
metallic components. Serving as the right hand of the Order, he is the only being permitted to exist
outside of the Hive Mind. Bearing an identity all his own, he serves the prime directive with the utmost
sense of loyalty. He believes in the directive above all and has risked his own life to protect the cause
more than once. Enduring terrible battles that would destroy lesser beings, Executor will terminate any
threat to the Order of Eternity without question. It is this blind devotion to the Order's cause that proves
to be his greatest weakness, however, as he is unable to think rationally on any other matter. On the
Dueling Field, Executor often grants his opponents an opportunity to demonstrate their skills, and it is
rare for him to take anyone seriously. Only those who command his respect will be given the chance to
behold the true limits of his power. None who oppose Executor have ever survived.
(The characters in the order of eternity all have cold sounding voices that portray a sense of apathy, as most of their humanity has been replaced with technology, but they are capable of portraying heightened more intense emotions in some circumstances.)
- english
- male adult
(Solemn) This meeting was inevitable. I was given the name......Executor. Our Queen has taken quite a bit of interest in you....
(Factual) We attempted to contact your governments many times. They found out existence to be.......inconvenient.
(Disgust) Neutrality is not a choice.....This apathy of your kind is a disease to be cured. There shall be no bystanders, only unity. There are no civilians, only soldiers!