Revelations Duel Arena - Season 2 (A Yu-Gi-Oh! Animatic Series)

Project Overview
Hey Everyone!
This is a casting call for Revelations Duel Arena - Fractured Destiny, Season 2 a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan series.
Duel Arena (as we call it for short) is a series of animatics which have dueling as their main focus. It takes place in the same universe as our live action series, Revelations of the Seal of Orichalcos. For those who are unfamiliar with Yugioh, dueling is what it is referred to as when characters battle in a game using trading cards. Sometimes with life or death at stake. Devices called Duel Disks worn on the arm, bring the monsters to life in the form of holograms. The game involves monsters, spells and traps. In a nutshell, a player wins the duel by reducing the other players lifepoints to zero.
Duel Arena follows three main characters Sebastian Grey, Zeke Elmstone and Hikari Sedo, as they try to survive in a world that has been overtaken by Valtor's Empire. After surviving the threats they faced in Season 1, new enemies will arise and the stakes have never been higher. We're looking for several varying voice roles. Most of the characters appear in a single episode, however the main characters will be appearing in several throughout the series.
These are unpaid roles, but we can send you a copy of the finished scenes and any clips for use in a demo reel. We have a discord put together to keep in contact during production, as well as to post updates.
There are about 13 episodes planned for Season 2. Each episode typically opens with a narrator giving some opening backstory, followed by a duel, which is the center point of each episode. The episodes are be created in the form of animatics, so they have a limited amount of animation. The voices are what will bring the characters to life. The scripts for the episodes have been completed, and there are plans for a third season in the works. We are also looking to re-cast the role of Hikari Sedo, one of the three main characters of the show.
These are "dueling roles" which means the character will actively be participating in a duel. You don't need to be familiar with Yugioh to perform these roles, all of the duel terminology has been placed into the scripts. Here's an example of the inflection that typically goes into a duel scene, for those who are unfamiliar:
The voices are typically animated and exaggerated, I find that this type of tone helps sell the intensity of the scene, since essentially, duels are battle scenes that sometimes have life or death at stake.
You can check out the completed Season 1 of Duel Arena here!
What I need from you
- I'm looking for cast members who are passionate and interested in the project
- Please submit clean recordings (no air conditioners, no fans) please let me handle the post production on your lines. Don't add effects to your lines
- Please submit your recordings as one .wav or .mp3 file to the director via Discord, we will invite you to the server once you have been cast
- We do occasionally ask for line re-dos, usually for pronunciation purposes, since there are some strangely named cards or characters, but feel free to ask if you're not sure and we'll be happy to help with things like that!
- Since we are planning on producing a couple more seasons of Duel Arena we'd like to cast people who might be interested in reprising the roles of characters some point down the line if we'd like them to reappear.
- We likely won't be making any casting decisions until near or after the deadline, to give us a chance to reflect on all the auditions.
Who Are We?
I am Tyler, the creator of the Yugioh Live Action web series, Revelations of the Seal of Orichalcos. Once cast, i'll be putting you in contact with Josh, the writer and director of Duel Arena, where he will direct you on what you needs for the show!
Thanks so much to everyone who auditions, and we look forward to hearing some amazing auditions!
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Age: 23
Main Character
approx. 12500 words
The Japanese National Champion and graduate of famous Eclipse Duel Academy. After Valtor took over the Academy, Hikari formed his own group of survivors to maintain independence outside of the new Empire. He refuses to believe any Imperial propaganda, and waits for a true opportunity to oppose Emperor Valtor. He watches over his allies closely and will not hesitate to put himself in harm's way to protect them. He does not fight for himself, but to protect the innocent. This causes him to spend far too little time strengthening his own abilities as he put others needs well above his own. His greatest fear is letting others down and causing innocents to suffer because of his actions. He believes himself to be an average duelist, and underestimates his true potential. His kindness, perseverance, and sense of self-sacrifice are the keys to his true strength.
We are looking to recast this role. Hikari is one of the main characters and will appear in several episodes this season, as well as episodes in future seasons.
Hikari Season 1 reference:
(Indignation) You mock us. Call us weak....powerless. You overlooked everything we could’ve done to help you! I'm putting an end to this once and for all! It's my turn!
(Fearful) After all I’ve learned.........Everything I’ve been’s still not enough?!?
(Defiant) I’ll never join someone like you! You guys are just forcing everyone you come across to do whatever the hell you want! This is crazy!

Age 2000+
Main Character
approx. 4000 words
An ancient being who first joined the Order of Eternity over 2 centuries ago, Executor boasts
considerable strength and intellect. In order to survive, his entire body has been slowly replaced with
metallic components. Serving as the right hand of the Order, he is the only being permitted to exist
outside of the Hive Mind. Bearing an identity all his own, he serves the prime directive with the utmost
sense of loyalty. He believes in the directive above all and has risked his own life to protect the cause
more than once. Enduring terrible battles that would destroy lesser beings, Executor will terminate any
threat to the Order of Eternity without question. It is this blind devotion to the Order's cause that proves
to be his greatest weakness, however, as he is unable to think rationally on any other matter. On the
Dueling Field, Executor often grants his opponents an opportunity to demonstrate their skills, and it is
rare for him to take anyone seriously. Only those who command his respect will be given the chance to
behold the true limits of his power. None who oppose Executor have ever survived.
(The characters in the order of eternity all have cold sounding voices that portray a sense of apathy, as most of their humanity has been replaced with technology, but they are capable of portraying heightened more intense emotions in some circumstances.)
- english
- male adult
(Solemn) This meeting was inevitable. I was given the name......Executor. Our Queen has taken quite a bit of interest in you....
(Factual) We attempted to contact your governments many times. They found out existence to be.......inconvenient.
(Disgust) Neutrality is not a choice.....This apathy of your kind is a disease to be cured. There shall be no bystanders, only unity. There are no civilians, only soldiers!

Age: 42
Main Character
approx. 4200 words
The true mastermind of the Abyss. Given power and authority from Emperor Valtor, The Oversser
hides herself away from the denizens of the dark domain she helped create. It is exceptionally rare for
any to see her face-to-face, often working through agents and intermediaries to accomplish her plans.
Completely driven by a deep lust for power, she sold out many of her closest friends to impress the
Emperor and gain the power of the Orichalcos. Casting them aside without a shred of remorse, The
Overseer rules over this new kingdom behind countless veils of secrets and lies. Anyone foolish enough
to stand in her way will endure untold pain and suffering beyond imagining before they will be
permitted to die. While her power and information network grants a distinct advantage within the
Abyss, she has a tendency to underestimate her opponents. Even so, The Overseer will not begin a fight
until she is already certain she will win. Anyone attempting to oppose her rule has a far greater chance
of ending up on her extensive list of victims.
- english
- female adult
(Frustrated) Shut up. Your incompetence in this matter is truly appalling. I thought destroying a lone duelist would be such a simple task, but I see there is no limit to your weakness.
(Threatening) Silence! It's become clear to me you're more adept at incompetence than following orders! It's been a long time since I've been this disappointed with someone. What makes you think I'll let you walk away this time?
(Confident) Now, everyone's become so thoroughly distracted with waging their little wars, they've forgotten all about escape. They desire a kingdom that will never be theirs.....and the fights have earned me so much money, I’ll never have to work another day in my life.

Age: Roughly 6000
Main Character
approx. 4400 words
The supreme leader of The Order of Eternity. The Queen perfected a special art known as Neo-
Grafting, allowing her to meld man and machine into a perfectly functional being. Using this to enhance
her own body, she carries an unparalleled level of physical strength. In order to project her influence
across every corner of the realm, she then developed a centralized neuro-core at the heart of her ship,
the Hive Mind. Using her own mechanical parts, she can connect to the core remotely, granting her the
collective knowledge and experience of all the forces within her legion. Through this, she carries the
experience that would require many lifetimes to achieve. She now acts as the Guardian of the Realms,
using her great power to stop any threats to the Dimensions and Time itself. Armed with the knowledge
of millions, powerful technology, and the ability to conscript her enemies into the Hive Mind, she
advances her cause with great confidence. She does not act without a plan, but mere mortals cannot
begin to understand the true depths of her schemes to protect the peace of the Realms.
(The characters in the order of eternity all have cold sounding voices that portray a sense of apathy, as most of their humanity has been replaced with technology, but they are capable of portraying heightened more intense emotions in some circumstances.)
- english
- female adult
(Solemn) In order to safeguard the comos, much is required.....and much is expected. I will not permit this evil to flourish a moment longer......
(Cautionary) This threat is far greater than you realize. This Empire has the power to extend far beyond the borders of your world. Soon, nothing will be able to contain its evil.
(Resolute) Open your mind.......and bear witness to the truth! The power at my command stems from the collective experience of an entire civilization. You are powerless to stop it.

Age 33
Minor Character
approx. 1500 words
A graduate from the esteemed Eclipse Duel Academy, The Battlemaster had intended on joining the Pro
Dueling Circuit to make a career in the game of Duel Monsters. Just as he was set to begin, the dark god
Xashin emerged from the Eclipse Duel Academy, threatening to destroy the world. After Xashin's defeat
at the hands of Valtor, much of the Pro Dueling Circuit was suspended. After Valtor demolished the
governments and dictators of the world, The Battlemaster was forced to live on the outskirts, joined by his former
classmate, Hikari Sedo. The Battlemaster tends to overestimate his own strength, but never forgot his dream to
become a Pro Duelist. With the support of his friends, The Battlemaster seeks to survive in this strange new world,
with the hopes of deposing Valtor and following his dream once more.
- english
- male adult
(introspective) So much has changed since we graduated........Things were a lot simpler back then.
(Angry) it's been difficult enough just to get by, and you're making it even worse! Can't you see all the people you're hurting?!
(Confident) Heh, you may have managed to hold off my previous attacks, but I'm about to unleash a power so incredible, your defenses will be cut to shreds!

Age 35
Minor Character
aprox. 1700 words
A man known for his quiet nature, and frequent isolation from others. It is unknown if Bishop is
really his true name. Regardless of the truth, Bishop uses his calm demeanor and impartiality as a mask
to cover his true intentions. Underneath that mask, he is truly a devious tactician, constantly hatching
new plots to fulfill his dark ambitions. His greatest strength is his innate nature to turn his enemies
against one another. Seeking a kingdom of his own, he sold misinformation and lies to two rival crime
lords, causing an all-out war for control. Fully realizing the opportunity he created, Bishop was able to
destroy them both and claim 25% of the Abyss's territory for himself, all within a single night. Many now
believe his ambitions are over and continue to underestimate his true intentions. In truth, Bishop's
schemes run far deeper than anyone realizes. Those who have opposed him in the past tend to
disappear without a trace.
- english
- male adult
(Thoughtful) I don’t understand how he managed to become such an inconvenience.......His deck is nothing more than salvaged cards. A duelist like him shouldn’t be able to win....
(Imposing) The rules of the outside longer apply
(Confident) Every man is entitled to their last words. It doesn’t matter what you think anyway. Your foolishness is going to be your downfall. All I have to do eliminate you!>

Age 19
Minor Character
approx. 800 words
Brash, eccentric, and a little too eager for his own good, The Comrade graduated alongside his closest
friends, The Battlemaster and The Knight. He planned to carry on his father's legacy and takeover the local card shop.
Regrettably, it was all destroyed in the riots of New Persepolis. Rushing to his father's aid, The Knight found
him crushed under the debris, alongside his mother. Forced to flee the chaos, The Knight ran into his former
classmate Hikari Sedo and the pair agreed to join forces so they might survive on their own. The Knight hopes
he can gather enough money to rebuild the family card shop and carry on in his family name, but for
now he knows the immediate need is survival. He may not be as strong as the others, but The Knight has a big
heart, and is always willing to lay everything on the line for his friends. His inexperience and brash
nature are his biggest weaknesses, but his noble soul bears the potential to light the darkest shadows.
- english
- male teen
(Eager) I always learn from my friends. I may not be as strong as the others, but everyone has something important to protect!
(Fearful) There's......nothing more I can do.........I end my turn.
(Defensive) No way! He's not like that! He was never THAT distant. Not even in cram season back at the Academy.

Age: 26
Minor Character
approx. 1900 words
A young and independent duelist living within the borders of the Empire, but never accepting all its
regulations. He carries a deep resentment towards Emperor Valtor after his Clone Troopers sealed the
souls of his family within the Orichalcos. Promising to avenge all who have fallen to this Empire, The Insurgent
embarks on a mission to take down Valtor and anyone else who might get in his way. His natural talent
for Duel Monsters makes him a cunning opponent. His proven ability enabled him to hold his own
against even the most elite of Valtor's soldiers. Not letting anyone slow him down, The Insurgent works alone,
fueled by his desire for revenge on the one who destroyed his family.
- english
- male young adult
(Arrogant) Don’t underestimate my power! I defeated his soldiers, you don’t stand a chance! I will avenge my family; nobody can stop me! Not even you!
(Awestruck) How is this even possible???
(Fearful) No.....this can't be happening! You can't do this to me!

Age: 43
Minor Character
approx. 2500 words
One of the three most powerful crime lords who rules over the Abyss. The King lives by the mantra
"Know thy enemy and know yourself". He has a knack for studying his enemies and pinpointing their
weaknesses, making him a dangerous adversary. The King's talents served him well. He was able to quickly
overpower many of the lesser crime lords, seizing over 40% of the territory within the Abyss for himself.
In spite of his success, The King constantly finds himself at odds with The Tyrant. King and Tyrant have
clashed many times, but neither have been able to eliminate the other. Eventually falling into a fragile
truce, The King focuses his efforts on maintaining his domain and commanding the utmost expect from his
men. Using a massive extortion racket to fund his operations, Leon is able to buy loyalty from just about
anyone. He is now content to let others battle on his behalf, but he secretly longs for the chance to step
into Dueling Ring once again.
- english
- male adult
(Factual) It is at this point entirely have been far too careless. You brazenly challenged the system......yet remaining utterly oblivious to the vultures circling all around you.......This insurrection is going to end before it even started.
(Confused) What!? Have you lost your mind!?! That card was your best chance at winning!
(Confident) Within the Abyss......everyone is given a choice when it comes to what they'd like to do........a path they can call their very own. However, what they don't realize is every path leads to the same ending. Even you are not exempt from this.......

Age 25
Minor Character
approx. 2400 words
A bold and competent duelist, The Knight graduated from the Eclipse Duel Academy near the top of his
class. Approaching every task with care and dedication, Knight prefers to step back and analyze the
situation before taking action. Some may argue he's too slow to respond, but he knows how to handle a
predicament with pinpoint accuracy. Knight enjoyed playing the game of Duel Monsters with his friends,
but truly hoped for a simple life as a family man. Approached by his former classmate, The Battlemaster, Virgil
decided to leave town as Valtor's Empire was taking hold. He has an innate desire to protect others and
prioritize their needs over his own. Now forced to live far beyond the borders of civilization, The Knight does
everything he can to help Hikari maintain order within the group. His value of putting others ahead of
himself does get him into trouble from time to time, as he forgets to mind his own needs. Still, this has
fostered a great deal of loyalty from his friends, and The Knight knows that if he falls down, his friends won't
be far behind to pick him up again.
- english
- male young adult
(Assuring) I'm sure there's an explanation for all this. We'll get some answers as soon as we get back.
(Defiant) Not now........NOT EVER! I'm going to win this battle and reclaim what was stolen from us!
(Resolute) You're wrong! As long as we believe in each other, and walk together, there's no challenge that can't be overcome!

Age 46
Minor Character
approx. 2200 words
A ruthless leader who dwells within the Savage Lands. A near-uninhabitable wasteland, ravaged by
the war in the early formative years of the Empire’s foundation. He leads a gang of cut-throat minions,
inspiring fear in any foolish enough to believe they can take his place. He believes in might above all else
and will stoop to nearly any level to get what he wants. The Slaver constantly seeks new forms of sport:
Racing, slave-trade, black market weapons, or anything else that can bring him power. Refusing to stay
in any one place for too long, The Slaver leads his minions across the Savage Lands, seeking to gain any
resources he can find. Rather than killing those who cross him, he prefers to enslave them instead,
forcing his victims to live a miserable life at his heel. Terrorizing the area with an aura of fear and an iron
fist, the local denizens know his reputation well enough to flee his presence.
(we'd like this character to have a Slavic accent if possible)
- english
- all slavic accents
- male adult
(Cocky) My last 3 rivals all made the same mistake. They crumbled against my power. Now their clans are mine.
(Arrogant) Don't get so ahead of yourself. Good servants are always replaceable....
(Mocking) Trouble? It seems you've already found it. Such a kind lad to stumble into my territory.....

Age 32
Minor Character
approx. 2700 words
A long-time contact and personal friend of Hikari Sedo, The Spy works as an information dealer.
Collecting intelligence from within the Empire, then supplying it to those outside its boundaries. Utilizing
this information, Hikari and his allies have managed to stay one step ahead of the Empire, avoiding their
patrols and stealing their supplies. The Empire has been unable to capture him due to his quick wit and
resourcefulness. Growing tired of the endless chase, Valtor placed a bounty of Edward's head. In the
end, The Spy was betrayed by one of his own informants and was subsequently subjected to horrible
experiments that destroyed his mind and altered his memories. He now believes he is a loyal servant of
the Empire, and freely gave away the details for all his contacts. Unaware of the truth, The Spy now
leads the Clone Battalion to battle against any who have wronged the Empire.
- english
- male adult
(Prideful) This is a mere shadow of the Empire's might. Your chances of victory do not exist. There is nothing you can do now......
(Arrogant) HAHAHAHA!!! Did you really think it would be that easy?!? That I would leave such an obvious weakness exposed?!
(Lecturing) You are their it or not, everyone looks up to you. The burden of leadership is great. You must take responsibility for all the lives you’ve touched. It is foolish to ignore the weight of your decisions.

Age 23
Minor Role
approx. 2300 words
One of the three most powerful crime lords who rules over the Abyss, The Tyrant seized control at an
early age. Of the three, he is most known for his absolute sense of brutality. Ruling his sector with an
iron fist, he does not hesitate to dole out punishment as he sees fit. Having built a reputation as a brutal
ruler, fear has spread throughout his domain. Many of his own men are quite terrified of what he might
do if they cross his path or fail in their assignments. As one of the most capable duelists in the Abyss,
The Tyrant quickly rose to power and crushes anyone who dares to stand in his way. Unsatisfied with this,
Lucius continues to prey on the territory of the lesser Lords, taking everything for himself. He seeks to
ultimately put all the Abyss under his heel. His brutality serves as both a strength and a weakness. While
The Tyrant will not hesitate to bring down the hammer upon his enemies, he often does not take the time to
think through his attacks.
- english
- male young adult
(Condescending) YOU should have thought twice before picking a fight with the Abyss! Did it never occur to you to just keep your mouth shut? We are the ones who keep order in this dark city!
(Unstable) You see.......Leon always managed to outsmart me.......stealing my winnings, my territory, even my own men! It was *laughs* really quite infuriating. But now he’s gone! Haha! He’s finally gone!
(Confident) THIS is how I duel! I pummel my opponents to the ground with sheer power! You’ll feel the real terror of my deck this turn! If both of these attacks succeed, your Life Points will be gone!

Age 300+
Minor Character
approx. 2300 words
One of the elite soldiers serving the Order of Eternity. Agents such as Vanguard operate under the
strict mandates of their directives. Linked to the Hive Mind, Vanguard is often the first dispatched to
scout new lands, and engage hostiles as instructed. After achieving many victories, the Order entrusted
Vanguard with a special deck to further enhance his skills. Now stronger than ever, Vanguard ventures
to new realms in service to the directive. Most of his mind has been replaced by mechanical
enhancements, making him a cold and calculating opponent. While this grants him an impartial
perspective on the battlefield, he is unable to reach his full potential without any sense of instinct.
(The characters in the order of eternity all have cold sounding voices that portray a sense of apathy, as most of their humanity has been replaced with technology, but they are capable of portraying heightened more intense emotions in some circumstances.)
- english
- male adult
(Factual) We know the threat of this Empire. We sought to warn you and any others who would listen. Regrettably, our words have fallen on deaf ears.
(Conniving) see? We do have something you want. Accept our is the only way you can discover the truth.
(Lecturing) You are narrow-minded and selfish. You mind functions like a tunnel. Discarding and ignoring anything that doesn’t fall within your limited perspective of morality. Without sacrifice, there can be no victory.
Public Submissions