The Walking Dead Comic Dub Series
Just some guy for Alvin Junior (AJ)

Who is Alvin Junior?
Alvin Jr., nicknamed A.J., Alvie, or Goofball, is the deuteragonist of The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series. He first appears in Season Two, returns in A New Frontier in flashbacks, and later appears as the deuteragonist and a playable character of The Final Season. He is the son of Rebecca and possibly, Alvin or Carver. In the third season, Alvin Jr. only appears in flashbacks with Clementine, showing the story of how they became separated.
Much later into the apocalypse, AJ is a young child with a somewhat adult sense of mind for the world's state. He is eager to prove himself capable of survival, despite still learning practical skills. He looks up to Clementine in order to learn about the world as it comes.
Having been born into this world, AJ seems to be wired to always be on his guard. When entering new places, AJ checks his surroundings, wants to make sure there is always a way out, and wants to be the safest he can possibly be. Sometimes AJ is more on guard than Clementine as he expresses things about the safe zone he perceives as dangerous. This also causes a blurred line between Survival and Living for him, such as when he calls Louis out for being too loud with his piano, or planning to sleep under the bed in case anybody would try to attack him and Clementine. This is likely due to a lack of social skills and experience in a safe zone, as he has spent the vast majority of his life on the road, where danger is everywhere.
He is also shown to be unaware of the value of personal property, as he tried to claim both Tennessee's toys, and read Aasim's journal without permission. This could be childlike naivety, as apposed to a behavioral trait.
Despite his generally cheerful and considerate personality, AJ's behavior seems to shift to a ruthless aggression, sometimes at random moments. It's because of this that, throughout the game, Clementine shows concern multiple times for AJ's wellbeing. She also feels pity that he never knew the world before the apocalypse. AJ's moral compass is called into question by many characters of the series, as he expresses little to no compassion over having to murder threats.
However, in his own words, he does not enjoy killing people; he merely enjoys the safety that comes from out of it. He strongly believes that anybody that tries to harm him or the people he cares about deserve to die, and is unwaveringly loyal and protective, only ever considering murder when the people that he loves are in danger.
HairBrown (Season 2)
Black (Season 3)
Dark Brown (Season 4)
AgeNewborn (Season 2)
2 (Season 3)
5 (Season 4)
OccupationFisherman, Patroller, and Lookout for Ericson's Boarding School (Post-Apocalypse)
FamilyRebecca - Mother †
Alvin - Possible Father †
William Carver - Possible Father †
Rosie - Pet
First AppearanceLast AppearanceStatusAlive
Series Lifespan"Amid The Ruins" to "Take Us Back"
EthnicityCaucasian (Possibly)/African-American
Alvin's Voice/Accent:
Alvin is was born while on the move around the country. His accent would be something similar to Clementine due to the both of them being alone in the apocalypse. Tayla Parx played AJ in the Final Season of the series. I would be looking for something similar to her take on AJ in the Final Season of the series since this comic takes place shortly after the Final Season.
Appearances (With Lines):
Clementine Lives! (Single Issue Special with 12 Pages)
If you are given the role, I will provide all of the details you need to start recording: Notes (For Recording Lines), Notes (For The Character), The PDF’s of all the Issues Alvin Junior appears in with lines, etc.
There is a possibility that I'll be doing a Comic Dub Series of the Clementine Series by Tillie Walden (Depending on my enjoyment of the story). So you if you get the role, I might ask you sometime in the future to return as AJ for the comic series. For now, we'll just be doing the Clementine Lives Special.
You will able to start recording the Issues you are given so you can get a head start before we get started. We're currently working on Volume 4 of The Walking Dead and Mad Love so Clementine Lives will come out sometime after that.
Any questions you have about the role/auditioning, be sure to private message me.
- english
- north american
- male child
- fandub
“I found your hat. It was in the creek down by the shack. I thought I wouldn’t get it, but Rosie jumped right in and got it out of the water. It’s all wet now.” -Alvin Junior (Excited/A bit bummed that the hat got wet) giving Clementine her hat after finding it.
“You weren’t even going to say goodbye?!!! You… This was just going to be a trip, right? Like last time? You were going to come back.” -Alvin Junior (Angry/Close to tears but afraid of Clementine leaving him) to Clementine after he catches her trying to leave.
"Since I can remember... Clem's always been there with me. She taught me to be careful. To be quiet. To be strong. To save the last bullet for myself. To kill people that try and hurt us. To make the bad people suffer. I always listened to Clem. Always. But... I've been thinking more. I don't know if she's right every time. She told me to shoot her if she got bit. That doesn't feel right. We're doing a lot of bad things. To save our friends. To protect our home. And when Clem told me to shoot Lilly... I got mad. So mad. I don't... I don't know what I feel anymore. I don't know if Clem knows either. But I remember all the rules. And the first one... Is never go alone." -Alvin Junior (Determined/Reflecting back/Appreciating Clementine despite her flaws) talking about his feelings towards living in this new world.