I See Fire - Paid Audiobook/Script Read
Joseph David Spence for Extra Minor Roles
- This is a general audition slot for a few extremely minor roles that do not need a whole panel. Feel free to audition for as many as you like. Create your own audition lines or talk about how you'd portray this character (with examples, please.)
Sendavir - Former human, now Shizi. Young adult. Wife to Ishlamar. Has a very timid but pleasant feminine voice. She is known to have a nice singing voice and made some money working as a painter when she was human. It was more of a hobby as Ishlamar provided the main income. Her family were merchants, meaning she lived a moderately wealthy lifestyle growing up. She lost communication with them after marrying Ishlamar due to their disapproval. VA: Jessi399 Script Sent
Malvir - Tokag's son. Will be featured as both a teenager and older adult/nearly elderly. Brash and self-centered. His voice tends to stay rather flat. He died at 30(ish), allowing Ishlamar and Sendavir a chance to run away. Zenaparth resurrected him decades later and the two went in search of the missing Shizi. VA: itsthepinoyboy Script Sent
Zenaparth - Bird person. Reincarnation of Estelle. Has a high pitched, squawky voice on the feminine side though technically androgynous. Very self-centered and prideful. Zenaparth assisted Malvir in finding Ishlamar and Sendavir and forced Naoli to come with them by threatening the Shizi's child. VA: Gareth M. Farr > Completed
Ishlamar's mother - Elderly woman. Kind and soft-spoken. Refused to reveal who Ishlamar's father was to anyone as she was unmarried, thus resulting in being labelled an outcast. She and Ishlamar were largely ignored and unwanted in their home. She gave up many of her own necessities to ensure Ishlamar was provided for as a child. VA: Nancy O'Fallon > Completed
Unnamed Mage - Argues with Tokag over the fate of the Shizi. Wants them killed. May or may not have an accented voice as his origins are unknown. VA: Poppletron Script Sent
Rhalasca’mar Sr. - Father of the Rhalasca’mar who became a Shizi. Went in search of his family and ends up being murdered. He confronts Estelle over his son’s fate. VA: Pokkin Script Sent
Unlisted character VAs: ~Chillin Qrow~, Nancy O'Fallon, Poppletron, Pokkin, Lando
- english
- female adult
- female young adult
- male teen
- male adult
- female senior
- nonbinary
- androgynous
*Say something you think would fit*