I See Fire - Paid Audiobook/Script Read

I See Fire - Paid Audiobook/Script Read

Project Overview

What started out as a quick and easy mission to wipe out a settlement of mages and sorcerers calling themselves the Elmeih quickly turned into a nightmare. Captured, the survivors of the fight were transformed into chimeras and reduced to being viewed as mere animals. Ishlamar is given to the mage who fought him through the entirety of his early captivity and now regrets being involved at all.

Spanning 1,000 years, this story covers the days following the group’s defeat by the Elmeih, Ishlamar’s struggle to keep Sendavir and himself alive, and his first chance at true freedom in the form of a young woman named Naoli.


I am looking for a couple voices interested in helping to bring a story I wrote a few years ago to life. This project takes place in the same world as previous project.

Available characters consist of both male and female, human and chimera.

This will be a paid project of varying rates according to the character's importance and prominence in the story. Ishlamar will be the highest paid role and will be required to provide audiobook style narration as well as typical character voice acting. All other roles are character voice acting roles only. Prices listed in character information panels are not correct and are a potential range; I will discuss payment with each individual VA once chosen and script is solidified.

The story being told covers roughly 1,000 years - from Ishlamar becoming a chimera (called a Shizi or Shizixash) to much later on in his life. The entire story is nearly 40,000 words broken up between multiple characters.

This project, when finished, will just be a fully voice acted and narrated audio version of the story.

This story has an animatic being made for it by KhaoticVex

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Latest Updates

  • Update

    Hello everyone!

    To the voice actors who have received offers, welcome to the project! To those who have not, thank you so much for being interested. I may still make offers for a few minor roles, but for the most part I am finished!

    Naoli casting is being delayed due to decisions taking slightly longer than planned. I apologize for that.

    Additionally, because of this, some scripts may be delayed. I have begun sending them out, but do not foresee everyone who has accepted a role receiving the script tonight. They will all be delivered by the end of the weekend, however along with a casting decision for Naoli.

  • Casting Call Closed


    This casting call has finally come to a close. I will be listening to the last few auditions that I have not gotten to and making final decisions on casting over the next two days. All roles will be “closed” (listed as offsite actors) until I have confirmed with the selected VA that they wish to take the role. I did not post this casting call elsewhere; all selected VAs will come from the pool here on Casting Call Club and roles will be updated to reflect that as they are assigned.

    The only exception to this is the minor roles category. It will remain listed as offsite actors, and I will add the username of the person selected for each role next to the character.

    I intend to send out final offers for roles on Friday, January 20th, by 5pm MST.

    Please look out for emails or direct messages from me!

    (For Naoli auditions, casting decisions will take a bit longer. I hope to have a final decision made for her by the following Friday!)

  • Update 3


    I have sent out emails or messages for all Ishlamar and Tokag auditions I have listened to and wish to shortlist.

    I am going on a brief business trip from today, Tuesday January 5th to Wednesday the 11th. I will resume listening to new auditions I haven’t gotten to yet or that come in during my trip for all roles upon my return as well as sending out emails and messages to Estelle and minor role shortlisted VAs.

    In the meantime, if you need anything please reach out to me through email at methalistjorn@gmail.com. I will do my best to respond promptly, but please note that it may take me several hours to over a day.

  • Comments & Shortlisting

    Hello everyone! This project is roughly three weeks away from closing and I am astounded by the interest so far. I know I have said it before, but thank you for taking the time to create an audition for my project. I truly appreciate each person spending time on this and having a desire to be involved. With this being the midway point, I wanted to provide some updates.

    I began responding to auditions, before realizing just how monumental of a task that actually is with this one. There's just so many of you and while I can certainly copy and paste one message to each person, I find that dull and I doubt you'd appreciate it very much. I like to at least add in something personal. I cannot do that for this, however. So! I just want you to know that I listen to every single audition and consider them all equally. Many of them I have sent to my partner in this project even though he is mostly hands-off until the deadline. Since I cannot respond to everyone and I know many of you desire feedback, if you would be interested in hearing my thoughts on your audition, please send me a message after the project has closed and casting decisions announced. If I cast you, you'll receive feedback on why in my offer making this message irrelevant, thus why I request everyone wait.

    Moving on from that, I have begun compiling a shortlist for all roles except Naoli. Information on each is below.

    Naoli: As I will not making the decision on who to cast for Naoli, I am not doing anything but listening to auditions for her currently. The character's creator and I will likely sit down together for a few hours a few days after the casting call has closed to go through all of the Naoli auditions. Since that is the case, I expect casting for her to be delayed compared to all other characters.

    Ishlamar: I have sent out a few emails so far to auditioners who I wish to shortlist for this role. If you provided an email, that is where I will communicate with you. If you did not, I will send a direct message. Your email should contain further information on this role. Please do keep in mind that everything I tell you in said email is subject to change. This will be an ongoing process as I continue going through earlier auditions as well as listening to new ones and adding them to the list. I will send one final offer at the end of the audition process to whomever ends up being selected for the role before publicly announcing the casting decision.

    Tokag, Estelle, Minor Roles: These roles will follow the same process as Ishlamar; I will send out emails/messages to individuals I wish to shortlist containing further information on the role and confirming your continued interest. I have not yet sent any, however, as I am still working on Ishlamar.

    Additionally, many of the auditions which I am not shortlisting I do intend to offer minor roles. Even if you do not hear from me in the next few days, please keep your eyes open for communication at the end of the casting call!

    As before, thank you for taking the time to audition and for having interest in my story. I appreciate it. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

  • Feedback + New Minor Roles

    Greetings everyone!

    Thank you so much for your interest in my project. I have greatly enjoyed listening to your auditions so far!

    Some of you have started receiving messages from me regarding rereads/retakes for all or part of your audition. I am doing this in order to provide a bit more guidance and context to, firstly, give you some feedback on the audition and second, to steer it a bit more towards what I am looking for. As well, it helps me to see how well you can incorporate my suggestions.

    Not everyone will receive a message from me, and receiving one or not does not reflect any final decisions. All final decisions will be made in January at the end of the casting call. In the meantime, you are welcome to reach out to me if you have any questions.

    My second bit of news is that a few new roles are being added to the minor role section, and you should see them very soon if they are not already posted. I am currently working on pulling apart my story so that each role has its own script and am making sure each character in it is covered. If any interest you, please feel free to give them a shot!

    Again, thank you for your interest so far. I truly appreciate the time you’ve taken to audition and the interest you’ve shown in my characters.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 300 USD
Role assigned to: gpuatu

Alternative Ishlamar Image

Ishlamar will be the main character and narrator of the story. He is a former human who became one of the Shizi after a failed attack on the magic-users led by Estelle and Tokag. Throughout the course of the story, Ishlamar goes from an angry, strong-willed individual to a mindless drone simply following orders. By the very end, he is a scared and broken-down individual who barely knows who he is.

Ishlamar is the husband of Sendavir.

This role will require the ability to do both traditional voice acting and audiobook narration. This will be a paid role. The chosen VA and I will discuss exact pricing prior to project start.

VA:Griffin Puatu - Script Sent

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • warm
  • male adult
  • [Indignant, Angry, Growly] "I am not an animal! You don’t… own me!"

  • [Story Narration, Mental Dialogue; Pained, Scared] 'Stop,’ he thought to himself, hoping he might be heard. ‘Tokag, stop this, please. It hurts… Stop!’

  • [Dialogue, Story Narration; Concerned, Disappointed] “It… was not me,” he whispered. Ishlamar was crouched next to the water, trembling and refusing to look at it again. He looked at Zenaparth, eyes wide with alarm.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD
Role assigned to: Tim Winters

A mage in his early to mid-twenties for the majority of his time featured in the story, Tokag is an essential part of the plot. Having learned the ways of transformative-magic from his late father, he was unable to say no when his sister, Estelle, requested his help in changing the forms of their captives. Having been successful, Tokag was granted 'ownership' of Ishlamar and the two worked side by side together for many years. Tokag, however, begins to regret his part in creating the Shizi and has come to respect the person Ishlamar used to be before they destroyed his mind.

When Rhalasca'mar breaks free of the magic controlling his mind and kills Tokag's sister, Estelle, the Elmeih break apart. Tokag sends Ishlamar away with his own son, Malvir, while he remains behind to watch over Rhalasca'mar who now lays in a coma at their mountain home. Though Tokag and Ishlamar never met again, when Tokag's brother-in-law comes to request the aid of the now old man in reversing time he is so desperate to right his past wrongs that he accepts. Strangely enough, however, he vanishes and time continues moving forward...

Tokag is a mage who would be in his early to mid-twenties for the majority of the story being told. He only has one very short chapter where he is an elder. He is the father of Malvir and the brother of Estelle. His role in the story will be entirely character dialogue and is a paid role. As with all other roles listed in the project, there will be a set amount agreed upon by myself and the chosen VA prior to project start.

Tokag is described as having a strong accent. I am looking for one of a Scandinavian/Nordic variety, however you are welcome to audition with other accents as well.

VA: Tim Winters -Complete

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • scandinavian
  • nordic
  • icelandic
  • finnish
  • norweigan
  • swedish
  • danish
  • male senior
  • [Young Adult, Angry] You keep making your own situation worse, every single time, when the smart thing would be to just keep quiet and stop fighting everything!

  • [Young Adult, Frustrated, Sad] I regret what has happened to you. In that way, I care. It is an unfortunate thing that we do not have all the answers. I only had so much control over what happened, but I’ve done my best. Is that a good enough answer for you?

  • [Elderly, amused.] I never was good at hearing spirits.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 75 USD
Role assigned to: Jodi Hansen

Estelle is a very minor character in this project however she is extremely important in the world it comes from as a whole. She is a sorcerer with great skills in fire magics which is something she takes a lot of pride in. She has a strong hatred towards Rhalasca'mar, Ishlamar's childhood friend and another minor character in the story.

Estelle would be in her early to mid-twenties.

She is Tokag's sister.

This is a paid role. There will be a set amount agreed upon by myself and the chosen VA prior to project start.

I am looking for an accent of the Scandinavian/Nordic variety, however you are welcome to audition with other accents as well.

VA: Jodi Hansen - Complete

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • nordic
  • norweigan
  • scandinavian
  • swedish
  • female adult
  • danish
  • finnish
  • icelandic
  • [Angry, Annoyed, Threatening] If anyone catches you near here again, they have my permission to kill you.

  • [Proud, Friendly] I cannot give you anything greater than one of the creatures you helped create.

  • [Thinking/Thoughtful] We will let him decide his own fate. He has had a chance to run...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD
Role assigned to: CathrynArcherVO

Naoli is a young woman who has found herself afflicted by the curse that was created by Estelle and Tokag. She is born roughly 1,000 years after it was first created, however the Shizi are given a limitless lifespan. She encounters Ishlamar and from there is sent on a rather long journey.

She is prideful and somewhat stubborn, but she wants to help everyone she possibly can and feels deserves it. She has been described as having a nasally voice. The character of Naoli belongs to a friend, and he will be the one choosing the final VA for this character.

She is a minor role. She only has lines in the final two chapters.

Feel free to experiment with voices and accents.

Recording completed.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • Nasally
  • Rough
  • [Taunting] Oh look at you. So angry and scary. You sure that's a good idea for the situation you're in? I'd knock off the growling and take a second to breathe. You need it after that roasting over an open flame.

  • [Concerned, Angry] Really? That's perfectly acceptable? To give up everything that is you and become some tool for them? Is that what happened to you? You used to be someone else until they 'trained' you?

  • [Calm] It is quite lucky for Malvir that Ras and I parted. I don't plan on staying as one of these beasts forever either. The curse can be removed. I saw as much when it was changing me. I was able to reverse some of it even if only temporarily. I will be able to remove it once I have spent more time studying the ways of magic. You? You probably won't be returning to Malvir. You'll be following me because Malvir wants me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Extra Minor Roles
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
cast offsite

  • This is a general audition slot for a few extremely minor roles that do not need a whole panel. Feel free to audition for as many as you like. Create your own audition lines or talk about how you'd portray this character (with examples, please.)

Sendavir - Former human, now Shizi. Young adult. Wife to Ishlamar. Has a very timid but pleasant feminine voice. She is known to have a nice singing voice and made some money working as a painter when she was human. It was more of a hobby as Ishlamar provided the main income. Her family were merchants, meaning she lived a moderately wealthy lifestyle growing up. She lost communication with them after marrying Ishlamar due to their disapproval. VA: Jessi399 Script Sent

Malvir - Tokag's son. Will be featured as both a teenager and older adult/nearly elderly. Brash and self-centered. His voice tends to stay rather flat. He died at 30(ish), allowing Ishlamar and Sendavir a chance to run away. Zenaparth resurrected him decades later and the two went in search of the missing Shizi. VA: itsthepinoyboy Script Sent

Zenaparth - Bird person. Reincarnation of Estelle. Has a high pitched, squawky voice on the feminine side though technically androgynous. Very self-centered and prideful. Zenaparth assisted Malvir in finding Ishlamar and Sendavir and forced Naoli to come with them by threatening the Shizi's child. VA: Gareth M. Farr > Completed

Ishlamar's mother - Elderly woman. Kind and soft-spoken. Refused to reveal who Ishlamar's father was to anyone as she was unmarried, thus resulting in being labelled an outcast. She and Ishlamar were largely ignored and unwanted in their home. She gave up many of her own necessities to ensure Ishlamar was provided for as a child. VA: Nancy O'Fallon > Completed

Unnamed Mage - Argues with Tokag over the fate of the Shizi. Wants them killed. May or may not have an accented voice as his origins are unknown. VA: Poppletron Script Sent

Rhalasca’mar Sr. - Father of the Rhalasca’mar who became a Shizi. Went in search of his family and ends up being murdered. He confronts Estelle over his son’s fate. VA: Pokkin Script Sent

Unlisted character VAs: ~Chillin Qrow~, Nancy O'Fallon, Poppletron, Pokkin, Lando

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • male teen
  • male adult
  • female senior
  • nonbinary
  • androgynous
  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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