Star Fox Event Horizon
Toon.Tone for Peppy Hare
An elderly and eccentric character, Peppy’s notable trait is spouting both practical advice often couched in strange but humorous phrasing. Like Falco, he has a relatively consistent portrayal in all the Star Fox games without many changes, though his humorous aspect and weird comments were toned down a lot after Star Fox 64. I will point to Star Fox 64 as my preferred depiction of the character and what I hope to go for in Event Horizon. In terms of an accent, it’s changed slightly between the games but typically is some variation of a southern drawl. I will leave it up to the voice actor to pick which particular accent they feel is best and go from there. I would definitely prefer someone more advanced in age to voice him, rather than a young man trying to emulate an elderly voice.
- english
- texan
- american (southern)
- general american southern
- male senior
This is Peppy, all systems go.
Quit screwing around, do somethin!
Do a barrel roll!
We'll be in touch.
Thank you. If you liked what I did, I greatly appreciate it. I have my own equipment and set up, but send my voice auditions through my phone recorder. I look forward to hearing from you.