D&D Voices - Dead Gods (Paid)

Dori "LdyDrgnflm" Murdock for Fekre, Queen of Poxes

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Fekre, Queen of Poxes
Paid: Flat Rate 5 USD
Role assigned to: MaryStan

Fekre (feh-ker) is a being obsessed with disease and contagions. Her voice ought to be raspy or coarse, as if choked with spores. She may sound sickly, but there is command and control in her voice - she was a queen, after all! Lastly, her motive in life was revenge, so there's an edge to her tone when thinking about her enemies, and a giddiness when thinking about using disease to strike them down.

Description read to players:

You are mentally transported to a vast, dark stone chamber lined with twisted pillars and sculptures of snakes. At the opposite end of the chamber, upon a dais, rests a dark stone altar that bears a porcelain bowl decorated with simple swirling patterns. The bowl is filled with a bubbling purple liquid. 

Behind the altar stands a tall woman with pallid, purple-grey skin and a dress of deep violet. Her hair resembles a grey-green fungus that extends on either side of her head, and her eyes are covered with a purple fungus that mimics the shape of a masquerade mask. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • Halt. What organism has come to my prison? Ah… another creature seeking power…

  • You have the honor of meeting Fekre, Queen of Poxes… or, at least what is left of her.

Dori "LdyDrgnflm" Murdock
D&D Voices - Dead Gods (Paid)
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