Star Fox Event Horizon
Destyways for Katt Monroe

Katt Monroe has only had voiced dialog in two games, Star Fox 64 and Star Fox Zero, so I will naturally point to there as a reference. In both instances she is portrayed as flirt, in particular towards Falco. This relationship between her and Falco and her playful banter with him is retained in Star Fox Event Horizon. Additionally, she seems to rarely show any kind of fear or anger, often casually approaching combat situations as if they were just a game. I am open to different accents and voice actor input.
- english
- female young adult
- all american accents
Make way for Katt!
Beautiful! I could kiss you for that!
You're on your own... good luck, little man.

Would you mind sending us a new audition? We're noticing some audio issues like echo.

I can absolutely send a new audition. Please give me a little time and I will submit something new!