BROTHERHOOD Final Fantasy XV Fandub
nomad818 for King Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII
The King of Lucis and the father of Notcis, he is a powerful king who deserves respect, but will always converse with those he's close to as if family. He has a great love for his kingdom and those in it, and will do anything to protect his son's future, even if something tragic were to befall him...
Has a British accent (yes, despite his son having an American one... Odd)
Gladio, what seems to be the problem?
Only the king can use the Wall. But, if something were to befall me... My son must take the thrown.
(In-character Improvisation)
I watched Kingsglaive a bit ago and I knew Sean Bean did the voice of Regis in that... so- I did that. Imma gewd Sean Bean I think ^.^. SORRY ABOUT THE LENGTH, BUT LISTEN IT'S WORTH IT PROMISE!
This is fantastic! To me as a fan of Sean Bean, you did an amazing job capturing/imitating his voice. I hope you get the part!