The Wind Waker: English Dub - Second Quest
kelseypoppen for Medli
Medli is a native Rito of Dragon Roost Island, and is an attendant-in-training to the sky spirit, Valoo. She's hardworking and puts incredible effort into everything she does. She's also a gifted musician who carries a harp wherever she goes. Later on in the story, she comes to the realization that she is the succeeding safe of the Earth Temple.
Characteristics: Hardworking, determined, serious, sincere, friendly
Voice range: High
(kind, friendly) Oh, me? I’m an attendant to the great sky spirit, Valoo. My name is Medli.
(eager) All right, I’m ready! Don’t hold back, now! Throw me as hard as you can!
(enlightened, reminiscent) There’s actually something that I can do to help this world. It’s incredible… I bet my teacher knew all about this…