The Chronicles of Narnia Audio Drama (ROUND ONE)
Chuck Pons for Narrator
The narrator of the story. Because this role carries much of the project, your voice should be smooth and pleasant to listen to. It is your job to keep readers engaged, so give life to the words. As a director's choice, do not sound monotone but add many varying levels. Narrate as if you are watching the action unfold right in front of you. Tell me a story.
This is a 43k+ story and a good chunk of it is narration, so please be prepared to record a lot of dialogue. An American accent is required in order to set it apart from everyone else's English accents.
It is preferable that the narrator for this story narrates all three parts. But because there is just so much narration, it will be understandable if you are only available for Part 1.
Parts needed for: 1, 2, 3
- english
Elaine closed her eyes, remembering every little detail about how it felt to be in her mother’s arms. After tonight, it was possible she might never know this feeling again.
Gripping Lucy’s hand tightly, Peter and the others ran the rest of the way across the field and towards the trees as fast as they could. They were painfully reminded that the snow and their thick coats made it incredibly difficult to run fast, but their fear of the White Witch kept them moving. If any of them were caught, it was all over.
The tent flaps moved, and Aslan, The Great Lion, stepped out. Elaine gasped in wonder and awe. She was overwhelmed in his presence and couldn’t find words that properly explained how she felt. All of the wonderful things she’d felt back when she’d first heard Mr. Beaver mention the Great Lion’s name returned tenfold. She wanted to stay in his presence forever if it meant that she could always experience such a pure and beautiful feeling.