Winn Manning for Hades

Hades, one of the Original Gods within the Eleuther. He's rather lazy and tries his best to avoid work; though he is exceptionally good at his tasks once he actually does them... They aren't very fond of the other Gods and really only gets along with Genesis, but that's most likely only because they skip work together and don't rat eachother out. He is very sarcastic and has a rather dark sense of humor.
- english
“Bien au contraire... Your hair looks a little messy today, doesn't it?”
“Ooh, you recognised me. Yes, yes. I am indeed the God of Justice — I don't know why they granted me that title instead of something else but, ehhh, it's cool eitherway.”
“Why I didn't create a Maintainer? Now, you don't actually know that, do you? Maybe I did, maybe I didn't...That's a thing for you to find out.”