The Founders Audiodrama Series; Harry Potter Timeline Fan Project
Joseph David Spence for Godric Gryffindor

He is one of the founders of Hogwarts, he starts out bitter and hating muggles, but he grows to forgive them and to care for Muggles like Rowena and Helga.
He has a strong and commanding voice one that allows others to gather and follow his lead naturally, he is the leader of the Founders after all.
Hogwarts Orientation Speech:
Godric: My name is Godric Gryffindor, head of Gryffindor house and one of the Founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, what I look for in my students are those who are brave and have the courage to fight in what they believe, that show chivalry to not just their friends and allies but enemies as well and those who have the nerve to stand up for what they believe even when the odds are stacked against them.
Talking About His First Magical Experience:
Godric: It's honestly a surprise me and my mother weren't caught sooner, she was more careful with her use of magic, she only put it in potions and medicine, I was more careful after I was able to control it but the first time I used magic, I set fire to the Mayor's house in the town we were living at the time, he was harassing her, calling her names I don't even remember what half the things he said were now but he thought mother started the fire, she grabbed me and we were out of there until we ended up in Grimm's Hollow.
Godric: Stupefy!
Petrificus Totalus!
Expecto Patronum!
Avada Kedavra!
Note: You don't have to do all these spells but it is encouraged as all these spells will be used at least once throughout the series. (those with unknown creators or the dates they were created I've simply had them already invented but some were invented around this era so I've included them such as the unforgivable curses a side note they were not Unforgivable until the 1700's)