Audio Drama Pilot Casting Call
Joseph David Spence for TV Announcer #2
An older broadcast personality, new to the world of mechracing--serves as one of the show's two announcers, finds himself out of depth with the new technology of the world, but still trying his best. Needs to speak with the cadence of a sportscaster, able to read names and lines quickly and clearly.
"Are we back--we're back! Intro, right!--uh (coughs) Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to BlueSkyTV’s coverage of tonight’s Series III mechrace, where tonight’s pilots have been racing through 30 laps worth of intense rain!"
"We're drawing to a close on tonight's race, with just five racers left on the track. Tanner in the lead with Soriano closing in right behind her with a 2 second gap time. Both pilots are about to enter the obstacle course, leaving the straightaway--OH! And there's Tanner with the transformation!"
"Uh let's on earth do you tell anyone apart on this tiny screen?! Folks, I'm not quite sure what I'm looking at here...but it seems really intense, whatever it is!"

Nice announcing! Love your take on this!

Thank you!