League of Legends - Voices for my D&D Game - Session 1
Joseph David Spence for Azir

Azir is the recently resseructed god-emperor of Shurima, a large mostly forgotten kingdom in the sands. His voice should be strong, noble and somewhat young Emperor. Below are the links to his voice in the games.
You don't have to do the voice modulation for the audition, but you can if you'd like.
- english
(Proud, thinly-veiled threat to potential political enemies) I have risen and with me, Shurima!
(commanding soldiers) Arise! Onward!
(Speech addressing people from other kingdoms who have to see the rise of a city from the sands) Greetings my subjects. Just as the sun rises each morning, the rise of this city will be the dawn of our empire. Join me. Join US and be elevated. I will return Shurima to greatness. Behold! The power of the sun disk!