Soul Eater: An Anime Fan-Made Dub

Eric W for Ox Ford

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ox Ford
Role assigned to: Eric W

Ox Ford is a meister at Death Weapon Meister Academy, the weapon partner of Harvar D. Éclair, and is both a contender for being top of the class and considered one of the best students within the E.A.T Class. As one of the students with the highest grades, Ox is a very studious and serious person, as both he and Harvar seemingly constantly study. He is also shown to be fairly good at chess. Consistent with his love of studying, Ox is also very logical and cool-headed, preferring to think things through rationally without jumping into situations without thinking of the consequences. He seems to be slightly annoyed when people fail to see when they are being illogical. He hardly loses his temper, even in the direst of situations. He is also very polite and formal, and his manner of speech is very articulate and polite, even when talking to his friends. He holds pride in his reputation as a top student and holds confidence in his judgment, not hesitating to tell people when they are being irrational. He also likes to refer to himself as 'the Royal Thunder or the 'Royal Thunder Commander'. However, despite being logical, Ox does not take his logical thinking as far as his partner, Harvar, who is almost cold-hearted and robotic in his actions because of this. Ox cares for his friends and classmates, and never hesitates to protect them. If his friends are in danger, he does not stall in helping them, even if it means going against the DWMA's orders and injuring his reputation as a top student, showing that he is willing to put aside pride for more important things. This also serves as the main difference between him and Harvar, who is more occupied with the results, rather than the means. Ox is also shown to be very kindhearted and hard-working. He also displays a fair bit of eccentricity in that he always styles his hair in the shape of two 'horns,' shaving the rest of his hair off. He seems to have great pride in his hairstyle, despite being mocked for it and claims that the two horns give him the wisdom to save the ones he loves, and the strength to protect his friends, and is the very lightning that drives him forward. However, he still can change. He is also deeply in love with Kim and is surprisingly emotional and open about his feelings for her, which is rather out of character for his usual serious personality. His love is shown to be a deep one, since he accepts Kim, even though she is a Witch, and is determined to make a place for her in the world. Although usually appearing as a studious person, when out of doors in battle, he displays the fierce determination and ferocity of a warrior.

  • Oh no I'm not a fool, you see I'm at the top of my class at the DWMA. I really am quite intelligent.

  • How could he do such an awful thing to my beloved Kim? Hiro, you're a dead man!

  • We have to remember, this is Hiro. He's a perpetual failure, he'll get tired of the 1000 provisions and give up before to much longer. Ha-ha-ha-ha.

Eric W
Soul Eater: An Anime Fan-Made Dub
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