Soul Eater: An Anime Fan-Made Dub

kneesesocks for Crona

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: adrien

Crona, often infamously referred to as the Demon Sword, is a demon sword master and the biological child of the witch, Medusa Gorgon. The meister partner to the actual demon sword, Ragnarok, they're driven by their mother's aim into turning them into a Kishin. Crona is pessimistic and doesn't hold a high opinion of themself. Due to being raised by Medusa Gorgon, they are highly negative as well as nervous and submissive most of the time, playing a part in their bullying from Ragnarok. Possessing a great amount of shyness, Crona cites they're unable to "deal" with many things, whether it pertains to a situation, an action, or a specific individual. This causes them to completely shut themself down from their surroundings. Perhaps what makes Crona a dangerous enemy is their unbalanced state of mind and inclination to insanity. This unbalanced state of mind originates from not only the influence of the Black Blood's Madness but namely the abuse they suffered from the likes of both Ragnarok and Medusa as she drilled and tortured them into learning the ability to kill. Because of this, Crona is subjected to showing signs of insanity and aggression, spouting senseless comments and laughing at random moments This level of abuse has caused them to gain a warped objective of attempting to become a Kishin in an attempt to be able to "deal" with any given subject as well as fulfill Medusa's goal and gain not only her acceptance and love but to avoid being abandoned by their parent. Crona doesn't understand the concept of morality. After meeting Maka and their enrollment into the DWMA, Crona started showing more positive traits and was capable of feeling the need to protect Maka, who was previously their enemy. Their placement within Death City and DWMA caused Crona to become relaxed and happy in demeanor. Crona themself possess some quirks. They also tend to remind others of having Black Blood in battle redundantly. Due to their shy and nervous personality, Crona has a knack for naming parts of rooms such as "Mr. Corner" as well as having shuffling footsteps in general.

NOTE: Given the androgynous nature of Crona, we would prefer a nonbinary VA to cover them.

  • I've never seen a man with a screw sticking out of his head before. I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with a guy like that!

  • I hate, hate, hate everyone. But that's okay I can use my screams to blow them all away. I bet dead people are a lot easier to get along with.

  • Trusting someone not to hurt you... how idiotic is that?

Soul Eater: An Anime Fan-Made Dub
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