Fallout 3: Expanded Ending slides
Microphone Mason for Fallout Narrator - Ron Pearlman impersonation
The main characteristics of this role are these:
1.) You have narrate certain scenarios for the game's ending in the same style of Ron Pearlman.
2.) You have to at least try and make your voice sound as close as possible to Ron Pearlman himself.
(monotonous and bleak) War. War never changes.
(slightly uplifting but overall neutral) The Capital Wasteland proved to be a cruel and inhospitable place. But the Lone Wanderer refused to surrender to the vices that had claimed so many others. The values passed on from father to child: Selflessness, (Pause) compassion, (Pause) honor (Pause) guided this noble soul through countless trials and triumphs.
But it was not until the end of this long road that the Lone Wanderer learned the true meaning of that greatest of virtues: (Pause) Sacrifice.
Stepping into the irradiated control chamber of Project Purity, the child followed the example of the father, sacrificing life itself for the greater good of mankind.