Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - The Audio Drama (PAID)
Melody Rainelle for Andrea Beaumont

As the lead role aside from Batman himself, Andrea is a very important part of this story. I'll leave some clips below that showcase her voice in the film. As far is the voice is concerned, I think that Dana Delany did a wonderful job in the film, and I am looking for something similar in this adaptation. It's a very sultry, yet deeply pained interpretation of the character, and I would love to have something like that for my audio version. Of course, if you want to try something different, that is perfectly okay, I'm not necessarily looking for an impression here. Regardless I would recommend viewing the video clips below for some inspiration when auditioning for this role (:
Voice example 1:
Voice example 2:
Voice example 3:
(Condescending, but slightly flirtatious)
"Trying to raise the dead, are we Bruce?"
(Infatuated, romantic)
"(small laugh) Bruce, you've got more tricks up your sleeve than I thought. (Sultry tone, almost a whisper) Can you dance, too?"
(Worried, distressed)
"The reality of the situation is... After my mother died, my father needed the extra money. He's always told me that it's 'necessary' for my future, no matter how many times I try to talk him out of it. Now I'm just afraid that he's in too deep. That he won't be able to reach the surface in time."

Love the vocal effect at the beginning, though I was planning on having my VA for Carl Beaumont do the voice for The Phantasm with the mask on. I appreciate the attention to detail though (: Fantastic work!

Neat! And thank you! It was fun to play around with. :)