Memento Viviere
AussieCasterM8 for Robert Kauffman
Tim's kind and overworked father. He only wants what's best for his son.
Look at you, fresh out of med school and you’re already acting like a doctor. (dismissive wave) No need to worry about me, son. (starts walking to his tools) Let’s just get this started, shall we? We’re already behind— (ROBERT stumbles and grabs his chest in pain)
The work we do here is important, son. Our family has worked for three generations to give answers to the living that the dead cannot and, most importantly, allow them to find some kind of peace with those answers
Oh don’t be so dramatic, Tim! Other than the mild coughing fits and a few moments where I need to practice my breathing exercises, I’m perfectly— (ROBERT grabs his chest and begins coughing and wheezing)