Transformers Movie Prequel Issue #1 Comic Dub

Jacob Vulfs for Megatron

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

"Megatron was not always the viciously powerful and brutally direct leader of the Decepticons. He was once brothers-in-arms with Optimus and a student of Sentinel Prime, appointed to be Cybertron's Protector and commander of its Defense Force. But Megatron resented his comrade, knowing he was a Prime and therefore Sentinel's favored son. This anger allowed The Fallen to ensnare him and led to the revival of the Decepticons. He became obsessed with getting the Allspark and using it's great power for himself."

For Megatron's voice, I want something in the essence of Hugo Weaving's Megatron voice from Tf1-3. I don't expect anyone to do a perfect Hugo Weaving Megatron voice, but I need his voice to sound intimidating, powerful, and commanding. This is Megatron after all. Here is Hugo's Megatron voice:

  • Megatron makes his appearance while Bumblebee is about to be interrogated by Swindle, even the Decepticons are shocked by his sudden appearance. Megatron orders his Decepticons to leave, as he will be interrogating Bumblebee, personally.

    "You'll talk... or find your head on a spike!"

    "Go. Leave us."

  • After Bumblebee "insults" the mighty Decepticon leader, he rips Bumblebee's right arm off and throws him aside. He is getting impatient. He wants the Allspark, and he wants it now. He wants the location and is tired of dealing with these pathetic Autobots. But little does he know, he's about to get his anwser.

    "Now... talk or die. I've tarried here long enough. The Allspark beckons to me. Sooner or later I'll find it. It's just a matter of... time..."

  • After witnessing the Allspark being launched from Cybertron, and realizing Bumblebee had been stalling, he permanently damages the Autobot and throws him aside once more. He is frustrated, but still determined to retrieve the Allspark for himself. It doesn't fully matter to him, as it won't change anything. He will travel the universe for "his" great power. He will get what he wants, and he will rule.

    "It seems I must do this the hard way. And though it may take longer, the result will be the same. On the day I claim the Allspark as my own... all of Cybertron will fall... and the universe itself will tremble!"

Jacob Vulfs
Transformers Movie Prequel Issue #1 Comic Dub
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