Celestial Horizons - Desolate Eden
Joseph David Spence for Historian
A narrator who loves sharing the nuances of the things they’ve studied, like a history podcaster.
The "Sleeping Beauty" exhibit
received both praise and criticism
over the three centuries it existed
in this form. Some found it a
suitably emotional end to the story
of their common heritage. One Lance
Taggart, in a travel guide for
Eberis Station dated 2576, wrote
that the exhibit "honors not only
the Saberhagens, but also the
sacrifices of all the brave people
who gave everything so our mission
could continue. Their story is our
story. Those pods are our pods.
Their hopes are our hopes. The
museum helps us see ourselves as
both the person on the floor,
fighting for the present, and the
person sleeping in the pod,
preparing to fight for the future."