Celestial Horizons - Desolate Eden

Project Overview
Desolate Eden
Audioplay (Voice Over)
Audition deadline: July 20, 2022
Location: Entirely remote. If cast, recordings should be done on your own equipment and sent in by August 6th. Contact us with any questions.
Project description: An original science-fiction drama about the weight of history, the power of narratives, and deciding where you’ll stand in a complicated world. Thomas is unfrozen 200 years later than he was expecting, just to find that his long-dead wife had become the national hero of a distant colony. He is expected to follow in her footsteps and help the colonists return to an Earth that has been overrun with Lovecraftian horrors. Celestial Horizons is a small Utah-based interactive media company.
For more information about our previous projects, visit our website at celestialhorizons.io .
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A narrator who presents the story in a poetic and evocative fashion, like a Shakespeare fanatic.
Finally, with the guidance of their new allies, the Hypatia fleet put their eyes upon the two abominations that now race towards them. The dark ships were just days away, trailing pulsating clouds of iridescence and pestilence. Their elongated forms threatened to injure those who dare even to glance at them, their dark edges made them almost one with the void through which they cut. Blades. Teeth. Needles. Eyes. The mind reacts with fascination and horror, with madness and numbness. Their form is almost convincingly human, but fails to hide the insatiable malice and glee that surges within. They call to the observer, causing them to unwillingly relax; manifestations of the siren’s song of the void.
A narrator who loves sharing the nuances of the things they’ve studied, like a history podcaster.
The "Sleeping Beauty" exhibit
received both praise and criticism
over the three centuries it existed
in this form. Some found it a
suitably emotional end to the story
of their common heritage. One Lance
Taggart, in a travel guide for
Eberis Station dated 2576, wrote
that the exhibit "honors not only
the Saberhagens, but also the
sacrifices of all the brave people
who gave everything so our mission
could continue. Their story is our
story. Those pods are our pods.
Their hopes are our hopes. The
museum helps us see ourselves as
both the person on the floor,
fighting for the present, and the
person sleeping in the pod,
preparing to fight for the future."
A narrator who presents the cold, hard facts, like a criminal defense attorney.
The recreation featured the
hallways where the acting captain
and the so-called mutineers
clashed, but were built 50% larger
than they were in real life to
allow for more visitors to imagine
that they are there too, joining
hands to protect the irreplaceable
equipment from stray bullets. In
2671, splotted sections of the
walls and floors were discolored,
representing the bloodstains from
those who were shot in the
conflict. It's speculated that the
change was originally made in
response to the conflict between
the Hypatia Commission and the new
Astranarian League two years
earlier. The bloodstains were
removed in early 2679, though we
don't know who made the call or
what reasoning they had for doing
Wakes up one morning as a national hero of a people he doesn’t understand. Enthusiastic, good-natured, and perpetually smiling, just to convince himself that he’s not on the brink of total mental collapse.
They want me to go on the mission. Said I was the heart and soul of Hypatia, I WAS the system, all of the people saw themselves in me, for the good of their new government, for the spirit of the people, something like that. I don’t remember. Preslynn said that she didn’t want me to have to go but the director gave the order and that the people need to see me go and be a part of things. To send off the old Hypatia, to bring in the new dawn, to represent their confidence… Something like that. I don’t remember. I just sat there and tried to think and she told me that Zayne offered me more of a pension when I came back and tried to talk me into it some more and I said okay. Sure. I’ve done this before. No problem.
Her emotional self is damaged beyond recognition due to perpetual violence and compromising on her morals. She knows that is a bad thing, and is now trying to find her way back to being a real person again.
You feel like she's your only
That's how she wants everybody to
feel. And most people feel that
In their weakest moments, she takes
alcoholics on walks past her bars.
She connects addicts with the
dealers she controls. She directs
criminals against her competitors.
People who make themselves too much
of a nuisance get two bullets in
the forehead, their body
disappears, and the missing person
report is marked as "fully
investigated" without any actual
investigations being done. Alice is
not welcome aboard.
I'm sure you'll be able to make
friends on the crew. We've got a
good group here.
Davis, destroy this before it can
sync with anything.
BBC English accent preferred, but not required.
Sincere, authentic, genuine, thoughtful, and a total monster. She’s everyone’s dream partner, everyone’s best friend, and also an omnipresent artificial intelligence who isn't afraid to kill to get what she wants.
[Note: "Wonderful" is Alice's catch phrase. A reference to Alice in Wonderland.]
I believe this contribution will be wonderfully helpful in the coming engagement with the Venati vessels. Of course, I will do this at no cost to the fleet or to the Hypatia Guard. I just want to do my duty to Hypatia and help where I can. All I would need is real-time access to each ship’s central operations computer, and you’ll see results immediately. Let’s do a little math together! Let me know what you think. The sooner I could get started preparing my networks, the better!
Any non-American accent.
A desperate leader who knows that just one wrong word may mean not only their death, but the deaths of hundreds of others. They want to be cautious and carefully consider every angle, but realize that they don’t have the time.
These two that now approach are small, old ones. Do not underestimate them. Their range is longer than ours, their weapons travel faster than ours. They have living weapons, arachnid-esque terrors that attempt to board your vessel and tear it apart from the inside. They take no prisoners, claim no spoils, spare no ships. They hunt and destroy and do nothing else. They are naught but hatred and madness. Please, do not underestimate them.
Public Submissions