Richard Gibson for Leraje

Leraje is the Maintainer of Ocea, and the 'otherwordly' ruler of Rizawa. He's very friendly, though his mannerisms will completely change as soon as he gets into debates, or just anything related to money!... And not to mention, he does have a really dark sense of humour around trusted people such as Hayato, Pyronis and Dellumin.
“Money is like the most delicious food out there, you always crave it, even in the darkest moments of your life — That's why you become a ruler, you don't...— er, you don't really have to worry, that way.”
“Have you seen my brothers yet? You know, tall green guy and average height, average dragon man? Ah, you know. Dellumin and Pyronis! B-Besides, just tell me how they're doing. I care about my older brothers as much as both of them care for me!”
“Hayato Kenta is such a formidable warrior! We spar every day and trade tactics. Did you know that I even let him into the secret of the arts I use in combat? He was the first mortal to ever defeat me in a duel! —... And that still remains the same. People always try to act cool in a duel because of this, I just find it rather embarrassing, really.”