DNF Duel ENG Fandub
Brandon Belmont for Ranger
Ranger is a happy-go-lucky trickster, playing his opponents & having fun doing it. Also a bit of a "cool" guy, often showing off & making constant quips during combat & keeping a cool attitude despite most situations.
Cool & a joker, doesn't do a whole lot of shouting whatsoever, preferring to make occasional taunts or quips instead while dancing around his opponents while hailing them with bullets.
(Slightly energetic & cocky) Phew, I was almost late, wasn't I? You can draw your guns first. You won't stand a chance if you don't.
(Impressed, but also slightly taunting) A mix of blade & bullets... That's new, but my shooting skills seem to be on a higher level than yours!
(Cocky, confident) You're an Empyrean too? Heh, I wonder who's bullets will fly faster?