Torii: Beyond the Red Gate
kelseypoppen for Mizuki

Mizuki is the mother of the protagonist. After her daughter goes missing, Mizuki struggles to keep living.
- english
[Please only read Mizuki's lines.]
I rush downstairs, only to find my mother sobbing on our couch.
Ichiro: "Mom, are you okay?"
Mizuki: "Oh, Ichiro..."
Mizuki: "Everything's fine, darling.”
Mizuki: "*Sniffle* Why are you up so early today?"
Ichiro: "Mom..."
Mizuki: "Yes, dear?"
Ichiro: "It's my first day of school... Did you forget?"
Mizuki: "Apparently!"
I sigh, then change the subject.
Ichiro: "...What was that loud noise earlier?"
Mizuki: "Wha—"
Mizuki: "Oh! That was Rento. He just swung by to grab the rest of his things. "
Mizuki: "Why don't you go make yourself some breakfast?"
Ichiro: "Alright—but take it easy, okay?"
Mizuki: "There's nothing to worry about, Ichi."
[Please only read Mizuki's lines. Context: Takes place during family dinner.]
Rento: "Ahem!"
Mizuki: "What's wrong, honey?"
Rento: "Something needs to be done about that child's hair."
Mizuki: "Not this again..."
Rento: "Oh, please. You know what I'm talking about: it's like a bird’s nest!"
Mizuki: "Then why don't you brush it for her for once in your life?"
Rento: "Because I’m a man—and that’s a woman’s job."
Rento: "Besides, she's your daughter."
Mizuki: "Hinako, your step-father is a prime example of how a boy looks and acts."
Rento: "Hold your tongue, Mizuki!"
Having had enough, Hinako pushed away from the table, stood, and sprinted for the front door.
Mizuki: "Hinako!"
Rento: "Oh, don't be so dramatic."
Mizuki: "How can you be this insensitive!?"