Superman Comics: The Man of Steel Dub
Robert Semaan for Perry White

Perry White is the Editor-in-Chief of the Metropolis newspaper the Daily Planet. White maintains very high journalistic standards. He is an archetypal image of the tough, irascible but fair-minded boss. White is a tough, cigar-smoking boss with strict ideas about how his employees should operate. He is a close associate of Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, Clark Kent, and by extension Superman.
Olsen... this coffee's colder than a widow's sheets.
The truth. Maybe it's an archaic concept these days, but I live by it. I've given my word to the people of this city that the Planet will always report the truth. No matter the risk. Somebody has to take a stand.
If the TV stations can't get their stories straight, that's a crying shame -- but that is exactly why the people of this city look to the Daily Planet for the truth! So go FIND it!