foreverimmortal for Coralline Epicale
I'm open to accepting any accents, I'm more looking for a specific tone of voice.
Context: She's speaking into a tape recorder, she's meant to sound informative, and professional.
"This session is being recorded for the purpose of documenting transpiring events to help draw to more accurate diagnostics on the patients present in these tapes.(clears throat) For the record, I will state my name and my position in the Arcadia Holding Facility. Not to be confused with a mental healthcare facility, as we do not endeavour in governing the mentally or physically abnormal, we merely edge to conclusions to determine where these people will end up. My name is Coralline Epicale, I am the head of the mental health examination team. Also, for the record, I will be interviewing inmate A-B8, Timothy Wright."
Voice description: Calm, collected, but not void of emotion. The point of her character as that she likes to play on this false exterior to determine how the inmates react to a more submissive and innocent opposition.