OMORI: BLACK BOOTH - Reauditions
Marcel Howard Jr. for 56 - SPACE PIRATES

The SPACE PIRATES are loyal and care for CAPT. SPACEBOY’s wellbeing, and are happy to hear the news of him reverting to his old self. They have a collective disdain for SWEETHEART, as she was the catalyst for CAPT. SPACEBOY’s decision to stop traveling
Multiple actors will be cast for this role.
The SPACE PIRATES should sound like dudebros. They're SPACE BOYFRIEND's hype men and care genuinely for his wellbeing.
Feel free to make multiple takes with different types of voices!
"It's so nice to have the CAPTAIN back! Yeah, buddy!" (Enthusiastic)
"What you did back there was really brave. I would never challenge the CAPTAIN like that... You would all make seriously awesome SPACE PIRATES."
"Sniff... I knew the CAPTAIN would come back... Welcome home, CAPTAIN." (Tearful)