Session 3
BewitchedRiddle for Role
Full details of homework is on Closing Credits

Great voice, very charismatic and natural, especially with the first one. You sounded very genuine and enthusiastic with the announcements. The second seemed a bit forced, like you were trying to be creepy without actually coming off as creepy, but still a creative spin on the monologue.

Ahh damn, that's exactly what I was trying to avoid with the second one. Like I wanted it to be a bait and switch at the end. Like you were there the moment Norman Bates lost his marbles. Also: thank you for the kind words with the first script! That was my legitimate first take. I did one other but I liked the first one more, so I went with that one.

I applaud you for taking on both difficult scripts it's not like it makes my job harder! jk 😉 The energy is nicely done, and exactly what we are looking for. The tone is very fun and engaging to listen to. Now, I do think you were going a bit too fast, and because of it, your words were coming less than articulate at these really fast moments. Maybe slow it down juuust slightly, you had some very nice ad-libs in there that felt very natural just be careful you don't get lost in, Some of the parts were where you were laughing the next lines couldn't be heard that well so just be wary of that. Still, I gotta say I was impressed with how worked around your mistakes and made them part of the script. Just remember not everyone a fan of this so add lightly if you must. As for the second script, I feel that was your weaker read (which is not a bad thing at all!!!) I feel and I know you can add more emotion in that script so keep pushing yourself. Overall wonderful take I'm very impressed.

That's right Burger. I'm here to make life a living hell. Work harder. Sweat more. :)

I personally like Scott's read because of his articulation and the same with Disney Song Guy's. Both of them had clear reads, and I immediately thought to myself, "Oh I should of thought of that during my read." This is stuff we went over last week too and I completely forgot it already. My laughing made it so that my next lines couldn't be heard?? Curses, that's what I get for being cautious. There were definitely moments where I leaned AWAY from the mic to avoid peaking (it still peaked anyways) and I think the laughing bit was one of those moments. The other moment I leaned away from the mic was for the "What a play!" bit. You also applauded my use of ad lib and improv with my mistakes, and I think the improv with the mistakes went on too long. It should definitely just be one mistake and keep it real rather than two mistakes and keep going. I thought I only made one mistake thinking back on it, but I actually messed up twice. So uhhh, oops. Thank you for such detailed feedback regardless. I'll never remember it, so tell me all the time! :D

Damnit, my second script read was my weaker one??? I tried really hard on that one... Oh well, Isaac said something similar too. Where he thought I had tried to force it. And likewise, you said I could add more emotion to it. So I tried really hard, but NOT HARD ENOUGH. Both are really great pieces of feedback. Thank you very much.