Suitor Armor Comic Dub
Sylvaren for Baynard
Baynard is the king's champion knight and one of the strongest knight's in the land. He has a squire named Peres and they are secret lovers. Baynard is charming, dashing, strong, arrogant, and a loud individual. He is egotistical but very loyal to his friends and Peres.
Voice Type: Medium. I am curious to hear any kind of accent for Baynard, specifically Spanish accents, but this is not required for the audition. I want to be surprised by this one.
[Confident, cocky but gladly accepts the king's request] I would hate to put our good mage's work out of commission on it's first day. But should my king command it, it shall be done.
[Charming, smooth] I look forward to presenting you my rose - and well wishes to your upcoming marriage, my lady.
[Gritted teeth, intense and determined to win] I'll be damned if I let a hunk of metal beat me!