DiphthongDan for Ed
Ed is a bounty hunter in his early to mid-twenties. He's experienced in what he does, and exudes a sort of quiet confidence.
Ed is a loner and should sound as such. He's not big on making friends, but enjoys the small bits of company from "single-serving friends." Local barkeeps he'll never see again, caravan drivers to a town he'll never visit again, he enjoys hearing their stories. Our goal with Ed is similar to Han Solo, if he was a bit more of a loaner and about 20 years younger. Less cowboy, more sharpshooter.
Feel free to experiment.
"Ugh. This... may as well happen."
(Random Battle Dialog/Grunts)
ex. "Take that!", "Lining up...", "Fire!", or "Gotcha!"
Feel free to ad-lib.
"Heya. Name's Ed. I'm a bounty hunter from the Garnier Bounty Hunter's League."
Hey! I really enjoyed your take! I think one major thing I took issue with, was the lack of diction. I think it'd super benefit from losing the accent just a bit and trying to hit the hard consonant sounds
Thank you so much for the notes! I really appreciate it! If you would like for me to do another take or just have any other notes and such you want to share let me know!