Danganronpa: SHOWDOWN! VA's needed!
Richard Gibson for Jack Love

[Medium - Medium Low Range]
Every year, a Martial Study Intern is chosen to join the tournament as an onlooker to view and study the combat practices of the participants. Unfortunately for Jack, he was the chosen representative for the year 3030. He is a friendly, extremely chill type amongst the group, occasionally taking some slack on by the others for being unmotivated. Jack has passion for both music and martial arts, sporting a lowkey rock flair. He has no prior practice in any form of martial arts, but could tell you how styles are performed to a T through careful study.
Like Bojin, Jack has no cyber enhancements.
[Casual] "Nailed it on the head. Yeah, literature is my major, but studying fighting styles is my interest. If you ever want info about stuff like that, I’m your guy."
[Worried] "I understand why they would need to be careful. If somebody were to be fatally injured during a match, it would be a disaster."
[Mischievous] "I thought you wanted to look around? Besides, I don’t see any staff anywhere. We could even take from their example, and stick our noses into stuff we couldn’t normally access."