Mystery Babylon
Erin Culpepper for Reina [Critical NPC] (Voice Actress)
This is a very important scene in the game -- it needs to be very dramatic and heartfelt.
Reina was captured at her father's tavern by a murderous guild and sold off the a human trafficking ring for elites. In this scene, she recounts the events of her story -- it's a tearjerking moment that displays the reality and harshness of the game's world.
Your telling a painful story from your past. Just remembering it tears at you, but you must share it. You've been alone since it happened... thinking about it endlessly with no ears to listen. Finally, some have arrived.
NOTE: This is a long script. While it would be awesome if you did it all -- feel free to do the parts that stand out to you. I include lines of other characters for context -- but only read the lines for Reina, please.
REMINDER: Ellipsis usually means a pause
---Setting: A prison cell in a military fort's dungeon ----
REINA: Let me out!!
*Reina tries to flee from her cage, until Arthur (the player and MC stops her)*REINA: Noo! He sent you! He must have sent you here!
Arthur: Be calm, my lady. No one sent me, I am here to free the prisoners.
REINA: Lies! He sent you here, I know it!
Arthur: I am not going to hurt you.Arthur: Here, let’s get you back on your feet.
REINA: Don’t touch me!
Arthur: ... I brought you something to eat. I'll lay it down here.
*Arthur lays a tray of food on the floor and backs away*REINA : ... (here, a concerned groan saying "ooh". Like you're hungry)
*Reina looks at the plate reluctantly, and decides to kneel to eat it*
REINA : Thank you.REINA: Please forgive me, I haven’t seen anyone in a long time.
REINA: The only person who comes here is… that man….
Arthur: No harm done.
Arthur: My lady, can you explain what transpired here?
REINA: Oh, where to begin...REINA: I was working at my father's tavern. Serving drinks, tending the tables.
REINA: He was a good man, my father. He wanted me to go to Lethe and study healing arts. (NOTE: Lethe is pronounced LEE-TH)
REINA: Said I was too good to waste away in my village forever.
REINA: One night, some... questionable folks came in to dine.
REINA: Foul, beastly men. Barged in, demanding ale and two whole chickens.
REINA: They wore red cloaks with an emblem I couldn't make out. Mercenaries or members of some guild.
REINA: I gathered my courage and tried to put on a smile, as I went over to serve their meals.
REINA: They had no manners and were getting too friendly with me…
REINA: Father was furious! He ran over, axe in hand, demanding that they release me.
REINA: I saw them...REINA: I-I saw them...
REINA: I saw them murder my father!
REINA: *sob* (Reina begins lightly sobbing)
REINA: Before they killed him, they made him watch as they...REINA: As they...
REINA: *sob* (Reina breaks down into heavy sobbing)
Harold: How atrocious! Those beasts are pure scum, scourge of the earth!
Harold: Wretched men, preying on the weak…
*Arthur breathes a heavy sigh after hearing her story*
Arthur: My lady, I am very sorry. There are no words to describe the pain you must feel.Arthur: Are you able to continue? I do not want to inflict more suffering by having you recount the past.
REINA (still crying, trying to gather herself): Yes… Yes. *sniffle*. I will tell you what happened from there.
REINA: Once I’d awoken, I found myself tightly shackled.
REINA: I was gagged, so none could hear my cries for help.
REINA: I only heard the sounds of the horses walking and felt the bumps in the carriage, as they rode.
REINA: When the moving stopped, they grabbed me.REINA: Led me into a room, threw me in, and locked the door.
REINA: I was so... frightened...
REINA: I was in that room for what felt like days.
REINA: Every few hours, a slot would open in the door.
REINA: It was food. Good food. Better than what we'd serve at the tavern.
REINA: That was all that was keeping me sane, the meals there. (NOTE: You can say "keeping me going" instead, if you prefer")
REINA: Until, for the first time, the door opened.
REINA: My eyes ran from the light, after being kept in the darkness.
REINA: It was an old woman. She looked like a nun, with the headdress and all.
REINA: She smiled at me, told me I was going home.
REINA: How I cried... Salvation, at last. As if God shone down upon me, grasping me from the pits of hell.REINA: But, my elation didn't last. (NOTE: You may add "It never does:)
REINA: Next thing I knew, she drew me a bath. Had people doing my hair and gave me a dress to wear.REINA: A fine dress. Finer than any I'd ever worn in my life.
REINA: She grabbed my hand gently, and said: "Walk with me."
REINA: And I did.
REINA: I saw decadent halls, golden candlesticks, and fine banners. It was clear that I was in a mansion.REINA: I'd thought, perhaps, I was rescued by some fine duke... <waitfor=0.5> How silly of me.
REINA: She opened the door and we walked onto a stage.
REINA: It was a huge opera house with masked men in the audience.
REINA: I'd thought it was a masquerade of some sort. I'd hear in the tavern, how the nobles enjoyed such things.
REINA: The lady I'd thought to be my saviour took a bow.. and left me.
REINA: Alone on stage with another suited man. That's when it began...
REINA: The man started calling out numbers and hands would raise in the audience.
REINA: I didn't understand. I'd seen my father haggle at the market, it felt like that.
REINA: That's when I knew...
REINA: I was... being sold...
Arthur: Even being after outlawed throughout the country...
Arthur: The black market slave trade still endures...
Harold: Then, Lord Eustace… is a slaver?!
Harold: It was he who insisted that no other knight shall enter these dungeons.
Harold: I knew he was depraved, but... this is pure wickedness!
REINA: Yes, it was he who won the auction that night.
REINA: I still can see his lecherous smile under that mask...
REINA: He told me I was to be his pleasure.
REINA: That I would help him relax after his campaigns, or I'd pay the price.
REINA: I've been rotting in this wretched place ever since.
Arthur: What a terrible man… My lady, is there anyone else suffering the same fate?
REINA: Yes, there is another woman, the next cell over…
REINA: She was here before me. I do not know her name, she doesn't talk.
REINA: Not that I haven't tried, but her mind... is lost.
REINA: The drugs have taken their toll.
REINA: When Eustace brings our food, he puts things in it. I noticed it after my first few days here.
REINA: It made me sick. Very sick. I started refusing to eat.
REINA: He didn't like that. He beat me. Tried force it down my mouth.
REINA: I'd throw it all up, after he'd gone.
REINA: He noticed how sickly I'd become and decided to give me untainted food.
REINA: Can't have his precious merchandise dying on him, can he? Not after paying so much.
Arthur: My lady, you're much stronger than you know...
Arthur: I will get you both to safety, I swear it. Your cell is open, but wait here a little longer.
Arthur: If you try to escape alone, the knights above will find you.
REINA: I will wait here.