Mystery Babylon
Richard Gibson for Harold (Voice Actor)

Harold is a 28 year old man. At his young age, he rose to the rank of Second Lieutenant in the Kingdom Army. Before, his rank was unrightfully revoked.
He is a loyal and earnest man who lives my his knightly creed.
His war campaign make him appear cold, yet he cares deeply for the lives of his comrades. He disdains those who have not wish to better themselves.
HAROLD: "What are you lot doing here?"
Knight: "Ah, I knew I’d find you here! This man is Harold. Always training here or maintaining the weapons."
Knight: "Though, it'll never get you promoted back to your previous role."
HAROLD: "Hmph, you’ll thank me when your lance doesn’t split in half during combat."
HAROLD: "I don’t expect a lightweight like you to understand."
HAROLD: "War is about preparation. The ill-prepared will die."
*Harold looks at Arthur*
HAROLD: "Who is this you’ve brought here?"
Arthur: "I am Arthur. I just arrived from Fort Nelson and I am to be stationed here at Fort Valestone."
Arthur: "Well met, the gatekeepers spoke highly of you."
HAROLD: "Hmph, I could care less about the opinions of weaklings."
HAROLD: "You have the look of one who’s seen his fair share of battle."
HAROLD: "Humor me, let us spar!"
Arthur: "I don’t believe that’s necessary. I’m merely a new recruit, what do you stand to gain from beating me?"
HAROLD: "Are you afraid? I mistook you for a man! My mistake."
Arthur: "…If it’s a fight you want, then let it be done. I only hope you don’t regret your decision later."
HAROLD: "Hah, that’s more like it."
HAROLD: "You may try to play the sheep, but I can tell there’s a sleeping wolf within you!"
HAROLD: "It’s been a while since I had a good challenge. Here, take this dull blade!"
HAROLD: "I’d hate to accidentally kill you."