B&F - a non-commercial (as of yet) hobby fighting game project (paid)
Richard Gibson for Volnik
Volnik is one of the participants in the sixth biennial Primal Fury tournament, and a member of a special task force, who's job is to keep the relative peace on the island that houses this year's tournament.
His reason for participating in the tournament is twofold. One is to keep an eye on Stray, whom is rumored to be an international criminal with a global arrest warrant, and his second reason is to keep Perdue, who is his late mentor's daughter, safe from said criminal among other things.
Volnik is a stoic young man, who's always had a serious outlook on life. He's driven by a burning sense of justice, yearning to keep the streets of his country clean of any unsavory elements. To many, he doesn't look like the sort of guy that you'd want to invite to a party, and for the most part, those people are right.
Vol, from the very start, has devoted his entire life to going after criminals, and this relentless pursuit has wholly absorbed any last vestiges of a social life. Not that he's bothered by this, as this kind of lifestyle was his own choice.
He does, however, have a precious few people in life whom he holds very dear, and it is to these people that he shows a rarer side of him. He also holds a few people in high regard, like his late combat instructor.
His sense of humor (when he tries) can be very dry.
This... Is a location test.