Microphone: Audiotechnica 2035
Mixer: Focusrite Scarlet 2i2
Vocal Booth
Back-up: Microphone Audiotechnica 2020
Unpaid Work
Skyrim Mods
Skyrim quest mod: Shezarrine 2021 last wave: Cultist
Fallout New Vegas Mods
Ganymede - A Canine Compatriot: Solomon
Faction Reloaded - Legion: Marcus Tiberius
Abridged Series
Attack on Titan abridged: Drunk Guy 1
Tokyo Revengers Abridged: A-Kun
Link Click: Taxi Driver
Avatar The Last Airbender: Zuko
DC Comics Original/fandub
Batman: Holiday Murders Thug 1
Batman Blood Knight Jason Todd "Red Hood"
Lego Red Hood: Driver/Old mod Boss
Young Justice Comic Dub Robin "Dick Grayson"
Batman Wayne Family Adventures Robin "Damian Wayne"
Batman Tiktok Short: Robin
Justice League Action Fan Dub: Grundy
Batman Beyond Fandub Terry McGinnis "Batman"
Injustice 2 fandub clip Jason Todd "Red Hood"
Marvel original/fandub
Pokemon fandub/original
Pokémon Rising Shadow: Ghidorah/Alex
Pokemon Adventures Manga Dub Red and Blue Chapter: Team Rocke Grunt
Pokémon Insurgence comic dub Series: Cult member/Baltoy
Pokemon Dawn and Dusk Axel
Summoners: Daniel Owens
Fallout Afterworld: Jacob Geils
TPGW: The People's Global Wrestling Deku
UCWL Universal Championship Wrestling League Kyo Kusanagi
The Crown And Flame: Dominic Hunter
It Lives Beneath Connor Green
We Will Meet Again: Jeff the killer
Dawn Of Whispers The Awakening: Sebastian
Summoners: Daniel Owens
My Hero Academia
Mha_dubs Kaminari Denki
Mortal Kombat
Roblox Mortal Kombat Movie Raiden/Subzero
Power Rangers
Roblox Power Rangers Rescue Force Viper/Commander
Paid work