Adrenic Legends: Black Dragon Series (Character Auditions) [NEW CHARACTERS ADDED!]
GregoryIrnieVA for Commander Mason
Commander Mason is the serious, straight-forward leader of the 94th Division of Leod. He keeps tabs on everything and everyone when he takes on a case, including his subordinates. His voice can be described as gruff, with a medium-low to low pitch, being around 30 years old. I imagine him having some kind of slight accent, but it is not required.
1) (Inquisitively) And what are a group of children doing approaching my planning table?
2) (Agitated) Viktor, that idiot. He ought to be demoted...
3) [The main party is defeated by their own attack. As the villain escapes, the supports of the building give out as the building falls on top of them. Miraculously the four of them survive and are rescued by Viktor and the rest of the Commander's team. The main protagonist wakes up to see the village he'd worked so hard to defend in shambles as smoke billows into the air. "Oh no..."] (Grumbling, half-exhausted and halfway in thought) Don't worry. You evacuated the last of the villagers before you went on your little suicide mission. ["Is that so...?"] (Coldly) So what in the hell were you thinking? You may have gotten lucky taking out the Eros Four, but don't be so arrogant as to believe that you could have taken on a threat like that with no backup. No cohesion. ["I don't know... we seemed to have been doing well. And then..."] And then you gave into the fear? Gave into deception? Lost focus? I know it wasn't your spell that caused your loss, but you could have died in there. Had we not tended to your wounds, you'd probably be dead right now. You're lucky Viktor gave enough of a damn to find you all. Not saying I'd have left you knowing you were here, but there are bigger matters at hand. That psycho is still at large.