Adrenic Legends: Black Dragon Series (Character Auditions) [NEW CHARACTERS ADDED!]
A28Leon for Commander Shen
Commander Shen is 27 years old and is in charge of the 101st Outrider Legion, which is part of the 13th Investigation Battalion sent to Riverville. His voice is medium-low to low.
Notice: The lines provided are simply test lines and do not appear in the script itself. They are used to see how you would play the character if they were in certain scenarios.
1) [A superior officer walks up to him and asks him about the current situation] We sent out the first Outrider Squad last night. They've yet to return, sir.
2) The name's Commander Erik Shen. Don't start to think this expedition's going to be blissful, this is a dangerous mission we've been assigned. I expect you to be working at your absolute best come sunrise. We ride at first light.
3) [Dark Wizards have Commander Shen and his Outriders surrounded as he and his men take cover behind some debris] (Tensely) Wish we'd brought more Battlemages with us... This could definitely pose a problem. (Sigh) And I seem to have run out of powder bombs...