The Demon of Delusion (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Machinima)
AmaletzTheShark for Odoacer
Odoacer is the king of the barbarians who have invaded Drochal. He and his followers wage war to demonstrate that Drochal, for all its influence as a kingdom, isn't invincible: Odoacer wants to prove that other civilizations are capable of rising up in the world. Although ruthless to his enemies, he greatly values the lives of his men--Odoacer takes every casualty on the battlefield personally, and he would gladly sacrifice himself if it meant allowing some of his people to live another day.
Voice Type:
Very deep and husky, almost gravelly at points. Since he comes from a foreign land, Odoacer should also have a distinct accent: good references include Drago Bludvist from How to Train Your DragonĀ and Attila the Hun from Total War: Attila. Odoacer, along with other barbarian characters, will also speak in a "barbarian language" at some points, so keep this in mind when you audition.
[calling out for Arulo, shouting]
My men and I know the tolls of war. We know death is inescapable... but that doesn't mean every loss isn't a personal one.
I acknowledge my people for what they are: people. But you... to you, your men are like wheat in the field: easily cut down, and easily replenishable.