Archion Book 2 Valkyrie Reborn
kelseypoppen for Dana Harvey

Gender: Female
Age: 36
Affiliation: FBI
Bio/personality: Human. Sir Augustin’s person in the FBI. Main agent on the case Hohenheim is working on throughout the season. Tough woman you don’t want to mess with. Mostly business and case focused. Doesn’t leave much room for nonsense.
Accent: North American (Standard Midland)
Voice suggestions: Open to your interpretation. Your typical straightlaced tv detective.
(Interrogating suspect)
“You’re right. What I do find suspicious is that before six months ago, there doesn’t seem to be any record of you existing.”
“You don’t need to lie to me. The FBI doesn’t take my work seriously, so I get the tiny office. What I wouldn’t give for some daylight in here.”
“Agent Dana Harvey with the FBI. These two are my associates. We’re here to ask you some questions.”