Voice Actors for Layton-esque Indie Visual Novel
Richard Gibson for Inspector Higgs
Inspector Higgs is a middle-aged police inspector from the English countryside. He's a snarky and playful character even when taking part in a murder investigation. He has a strong accent that sounds more on the cockney side--definitely more working class.
For all intents and purposes, if you can do a good Inspector Japp impression, you'll have more or less nailed the vibe. There won't be many lines for this character, and they'll likely be short ones at that.
"Alright then, let’s have a look at that crime scene."
Aw-roit then, less 'af a look at that croy-m scene.
"Gamblin’. Racked up quite a lot of debt, looks like."
Racked up kwoit a lo'a debt, looks loyk.
"Kitchen'll be locked for good measure, just in case our murderer gets any ideas."
Kitchen'll be locked up f'good measure, just in case ah muhduhruh gets any oideas.