Doomsday Paradise: Indie Party Game
NateBarham for Captain Al

Bio: Captain Al is the king of the pirates. When he was only six years old he got into a game of tag with his little sister- and not only is he still playing but he's still winning. She hasn't seen him since. Not that she hasn't tried to track him down, mind you. But he's a hard man to catch- and he knew that if he was going to ever stand a chance at evading her forever he'd have to take to the sea.
Character: Confident, brash, reckless, and impulsive. He's a good, supportive friend, but he wants a good life and not a long one. Surprisingly intelligent- he has a doctorate in marine biology and has high standards for decency among his crew, but still quite superstitious and harbors a deep fear of ghosts.
Voice: Mid Range, Younger Adult guy- college age. Boisterous, loud, and passionate.
[Very excited, something radical's about to happen:] HELL
YEAH![Flirty, wink and a smolder:] Hey
there[Celebratory, a little crazed- having the time of his life but the time of his life is evading the cops after a heist:] AHAHAHAHAHA