Doomsday Paradise: Indie Party Game

Doomsday Paradise: Indie Party Game

Project Overview

Introduction - The Game
Doomsday Paradise is a competitive multiplayer visual novel / party game where you put off saving the world in order to bum around with your friends. Gameplay wise, it's half relaxed visual novel and half strategy board game- with lots of flexibility to let you play how you like.

The game itself is goofy and has a light hearted, relaxed atmosphere. Currently it's still a couple months away from being officially announced, and as part of preparing it for wider marketing I want to start recording some voicelines so that it's playtest ready!

Scope of Each Role
The game isn't fully voiced, instead characters have accent lines spoken during certain scenarios (when happy, introduced, angry, etc.,) to help add some flavor to the dialogue. Lead characters have about 14 lines.
A second class of characters are the player characters. They are treated as supporting characters and have about 10 lines.
A third class of characters are the enemy characters. They are treated as minor characters with about 5 lines.
The final class of characters, minions, have only a single line when they join the battle to help their boss! Because they only have a single line, I won't be doing auditions for these characters directly. However, if you'd like to record a line for a minion character please let me know- I have several available.

Since the line count is so low- please feel free to audition for multiple roles at once and drop a note if that's required to get to a desired minimum compensation level.

* Up to 3 takes for each line.
* Please do not slate your audition.
* Please submit auditions as .wav files.
* Please include your email address and Discord username, if you have one, with your audition.
* Please record in a quiet space free of background noise! I'll be using the takes to figure out how the final production will sound after all!

Getting Cast
Once you've been cast, if you agree to the role, you'll receive a quick contract establishing my rights to use the voice lines commercially, and solidifying payment terms and conditions. Upon signing the contract, you will officially receive the part.

Payment will be sent via PayPal after your lines have been recorded.

Further Voice Work
Not all of the game's voice work is a part of this casting call. There will be additional work in the future as more content is added, marketing on the project officially begins, etc., While my social media is not very active at the present time- feel free to reach out or hang around the Doomsday Paradise Discord channel if you want to be aware of any future casting calls for the project.

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When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.

Latest Updates

  • Doomsday Paradise character casting completed! Where to get feedback

    Hey all! The response to Doomsday Paradise's character casting call (NOT for the trailer- although auditions are still open!) was absolutely tremendous. Thank you all for your hard work and your excellent auditions, I'm truly blessed. Unfortunately I can't hire all of you, since I don't have the budget or the character count. I also can't give a ton of personalized feedback- there's almost 3000 auditions and only one of me. I HAVE created a google doc with a list of the biggest mistakes, recommendations, and things to keep in mind from my perspective. I don't represent every casting director, but you might find it useful! To avoid spooking anybody by linking directly to a Google Drive, I'll share a Twitter post that contains the material instead: I hope that I'll get to hear from you all again, and that I'll eventually have an opportunity to cast each and every one of you. Until then, don't be a stranger! Feel free to follow on Twitter or join the Discord server to keep up with me or the game at large. I'll be announcing the final castings on Twitter later this afternoon- so if you're still interested stop on by and support your fellow voice actors. The mentorship and unconditional support of the voice acting community really has impressed me. Thanks everyone, Shadi
  • Submission Deadline Reached- Doomsday's Next Steps!

    Hey everyone, I'm really blown away by all the support and positivity surrounding the project. I've received over 2,600 auditions in the two weeks the casting call has been up- order of magnitude more than I ever dreamed I'd see. I wanted to use this email to set expectations on when to expect casting decisions and what the future will look like. I am the only developer working on Doomsday Paradise, and the project is not full time. If we assume every audition is 30 seconds, there is about 22 HOURS of audio to get through, and that's assuming I only listen to a clip once! It's my goal to get the parts cast as quickly as I possibly can while still making progress on the game's development in other areas, especially as they relate to important milestones such as playtest preparation, trailer readiness, etc., I hope you can all be patient with me in the next few weeks while I work through the tremendous trove of talent you've all left me with. And don't worry if you don't get the part- this casting call likely won't be the last. As new characters and enemies are added, they'll need voices as well. I hope to hear from you all again as the game gets farther along in development! While I won't be able to give the almost 600 of you following the projects individual feedback just due to the sheer scale, I'll be sure to send a follow up message when the casting is completed so nobody is left waiting. For those of you who want to keep in touch or are simply interested in the project- I highly recommend following the game on Twitter (@DoomsParadise) or joining the game's community Discord ( A link to the game's social media and community can also be fond in the casting call. Our Discord channel has a very active voice acting presence- and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for feedback from fellow voice actors. Thanks again everyone! And let's keep the party going. -Shadi (Lemonade Flashbang)
  • Last call for auditions!

    Hey everyone! I've been really overwhelmed by all the love the project's gotten in the almost two weeks it's been up! I wanted to remind everyone- the deadline is November 10, which is just around the corner. If you're sitting on any more auditions- try to get them in before the deadline! I'll start the casting process soon after auditions close. Have a great day everyone, and best of luck! -Lemonade Flashbang
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: BmoonVA

Bio: Cleo was once a legendary hero who's saved the world time and time again- rising to prominence as the world's most powerful fighter. Since then, she's decided to retire and take up her hobbies- crafting, gardening, baking, etc., Unfortunately, the only thing she's really good at is fighting.

Character: Cleo is confident in her abilities and outwardly very upbeat and positive. She gives everything she does her best effort- often to her detriment- and is fiercely competitive. She's never willing to settle, wants to be her best self, and is determined to live out her retirement calmly and peacefully. Unfortunately, her years as a hero have given her a warped view of what "calm" and "peaceful" are.

Voice: Medium or Low Pitch, Adult Female. Strong, confident, and tough.

  • [Depressed, dejected after ruining yet another project:] Not again!

  • [Energetic, excited, accomplished a personal project, pleased with personal growth:] Leveling up!

  • [Intimidating, strong, and a hint of crazed joy- the deranged threat of a berserker:] You
    should all be afraid.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Rybellious

Bio: Frank's the town uh... Doctor. It's unclear exactly how long he's been around- even the town's oldest residents remember him as the calming young presence making their lives better. Frank has horrible luck- after having been cursed by his ex girlfriend, the witch Gretchen, and will suffer misfortune his entire life until he finds true love. Unfortunately he seems pretty clueless when it comes to love- not realizing that nursing isn't the most popular discipline in every town.

Character: Frank is undeteringly cheerful, upbeat, and positive. He's the quintessential good neighbor- always looking out for the people around him and always making sure that everyone is safe and happy. He's never angry, only sometimes disappointed.

Voice: High pitched, adult or ageless male. Cheerful, bright, and happy to see you.

  • [Happy to see you, upbeat]: Howdy

  • [Nonchalant, casual, polite]: Could
    you pass me that body over there?

  • [Disappointed in you]: I
    expected better

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Captain Al
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: NateBarham

Bio: Captain Al is the king of the pirates. When he was only six years old he got into a game of tag with his little sister- and not only is he still playing but he's still winning. She hasn't seen him since. Not that she hasn't tried to track him down, mind you. But he's a hard man to catch- and he knew that if he was going to ever stand a chance at evading her forever he'd have to take to the sea.

Character: Confident, brash, reckless, and impulsive. He's a good, supportive friend, but he wants a good life and not a long one. Surprisingly intelligent- he has a doctorate in marine biology and has high standards for decency among his crew, but still quite superstitious and harbors a deep fear of ghosts.

Voice: Mid Range, Younger Adult guy- college age. Boisterous, loud, and passionate.

  • [Very excited, something radical's about to happen:] HELL

  • [Flirty, wink and a smolder:] Hey

  • [Celebratory, a little crazed- having the time of his life but the time of his life is evading the cops after a heist:] AHAHAHAHAHA

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Michael

Bio: The town Wizard, is actually older than the town itself and was its' first resident. He lives inside a black castle surrounded by a seemingly bottomless pit where his pet Pit Demon resides. He only comes out at night, and always asks for permission before coming in- but he's well known for hosting extremely extravagant parties. Was missing for a good six hundred years after he was sealed away by wizards, who mistook him for some kind of creature of the night. His powers include the ability to fly and transform into a bat. He adores animals and often rehomes them after they've been saved from evil cults, which has led to his acquisition of several tigers, a couple kraken, and a southern Demonbat.

Character: Vando is petty, impulsive, entitled, dangerous, and childish. He's always chasing a good time, but gets upset when things don't go his way. Not that that's a common occurrence- nobody in town wants to anger the town wizard after all. He doesn't seem to understand or respect the circumstances of others- save animals. He considers himself quite the detective, but isn't all that smart and often comes to extremely wrong conclusions.

Voice: Mid or Low adult male. A Romanian, Russian, New Zealand, or Eastern European accent is preferred since it leans harder into the "obviously a vampire in a town where nobody knows what a vampire is" gag.

  • [Incredulous that anyone could have ever doubted him, matter of fact:, channeling Gordon Ramsey] I'm

  • [Has just seen something adorable:]  Is so

  • [Dangerous, hungry for blood:] Let
    us kill together!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: saiyanserenityv

Bio: Nobody's really sure where Tessa came from as she's told every resident a different lie, but a week after moving in she married a prestigious shop owner and kept his storefront running even after his tragic death three days later. For that, the town owes her a life debt. Her wares are sometimes... less than ethically sourced, and she always seems to be scheming- but to what purpose isn't really known.

Character: Tessa is sarcastic and witty- aware of the idiocy of others but not self aware to see that she's no better than them. She's generally supportive, but does enjoy watching others fail too, and always working towards strange and out of touch goals. She tends to overthink her problems but always seems to be having a good time.

Voice: Medium range female, young woman. Sarcastic, scheming- a little flirty and manipulative.

  • [Bitter, slightly vengeful, childish:] You'll
    get what's coming…

  • [Crafty, scheming, joyful, nefarious:] All
    according to plan…

  • [Sarcastic but gentle- a friendly roast:] Were
    you born stupid?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Loganne Digma

Bio: Haley's the chosen one- destined to wipe out humanity and bring about the age of monsters. In theory, anyway. In practice she's just any other girl right out of high school- bumming around with her friends watching horror movies and eating ice cream by the gallon. She loves Halloween, but doesn't know when it is- so she comes trick or treating every day. The town likes her so much that everyone plays along and nobody has the heart to tell her it only happens once a year.

Character: Haley is energetic, joyful, and amped up around friends. She's constantly cheering and screaming and bringing up the energy of the room. But she's also insecure, and can be shy around people she admires and awkward and quiet when faced with authority or caught off guard. She's essentially fangirl energy, bottled up with all of its' awkard edges and general weirdness given well, monster form.

Voice: Mid-high pitch, young adult woman. Exciteable, easily impressed, bubbly.

  • [Fangirling out:] OHMYGODLOOK!

  • [Shy, awkward, quiet:] Don't
    mind me…

  • [Pumped up, energetic, amped:] YEAH

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ben Sharky
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: jeffhuntva

Character: Ben Sharky is a player character. He suffers from facial paralysis, having a fish head (and no shark parts, despite the name) and is commonly believed to be stupid. This, quite frankly, is a misconception- he's a renowned and well respected academic. He communicates entirely through grunts and groans.

Voice: Low pitched and adult. Big Donkey Kong kind of energy- goofy and stupid sounding. Have fun with it.

  • [Weak, dying, sad:] Huuuuaahh

  • [Pumped, intimidating, ready for anything:] HOO!

  • [Happy, excited, it's your turn to play baseball:] Hurr!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: lizzyhofe

Character: Sophie's a player character- a bit of a goofball and memelord, she's having a good time all the time. Probably at someone else's expense.

Voice: Teenage or young adult woman, constantly cackling and laughing- big Wendy's memelord energy.

  • [Dying, fading:] Still… hungry

  • [Bragging, confident:] Check this out!

  • [Trying to clear up an innocent misunderstanding, hectic:] I
    swear the bones are fresh

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Carrick Inabnett

Character: Jim is a.... human? According to them, anyway. They're currently trying to get back to Ohio. Nobody's quite sure if Jim refers to the rat in the helmet or not. Jim is a player character.

Voice: All of Jim's voicelines are rat squeaks. Every single one of them. High pitched and rat-like.

  • [Killed, a dying rat, voice dropping:] Squeak

  • [Confident, prepared for anything:] SQUEAK!

  • [Joyous, happy you've chosen them:] Ereee squeak squeak squeak!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mr. Pipple
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Michael Malconian

Character: Mr. Pipple is a player character. Once an inhabitant of a happy frog village, he's now given into the temptations of power. He travels with his cursed blade, cutting all who dare step out of line. Known as a tyrant, he's given into madness and now craves nothing but violence.

Voice: Low pitched male, gravelly and/or raspy, edgy. A conqueror.

  • [Pleased to be dealing violence, aggressive, fanatical:] DIE

  • [Excited, intimidating, assertive:] SUBJUGATE

  • [A whisper, trying to hold back an insatiable hunger:] I
    crave blood

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Katte Noel

Character: A player character, "Azla"kathy the Friendly Void is a forest demon who has integrated into modern society because she appreciates our ballin' sense of fashion. And also smartphones. She's got huge preppy cheerleader vibes.

Voice: High to medium pitched female, preppy, "valley girl".

  • [Annoyed, trying to get away from a creep:] Will
    you just like, go away?

  • [Pumped up, ready to take on anything:] Let's
    crush it!

  • [Self confident, about to put a fool in their place:] You
    shouldn't have messed with me!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stabby Jack
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: CaroCabaConiVO

Character: These little miscreants stab travelers on Halloween night and try to steal their bodies. An enemy creature.

Voice: High pitched, shrieking and aggressive. A bat out of hell.

  • [Dying:] Hraa

  • [A war cry, letting you know you're about to get stabbed:] HIRROO!

  • [A rallying cry and war chant, Stabby Jack has marked their victim:] Hraa
    hraa hraa!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Katte Noel

Character: This tentacled little monster hides in the skulls of it's victims. An enemy creature who learns about the world by devouring memories.

Voice: High pitched, nasally, very cat-like. Any gender is fine.

  • [Curious meeping, it comes to play with its' prey:] Meep

  • [A small battle cry:] Mreowr

  • [A helpless, dying meep:] Arrarh

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Tooth Fairy
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Tom Laflin

Character: A horrible little gremlin that likes to steal teeth for some nefarious purpose. Enemy creature.

Voice: High pitched, shrill, goblin-esque.

  • [Crazed, eagerly desires something you possess:] GIMME

  • [Dying, screaming against the world, the object they wanted is out of reach:] NOO!

  • [Overjoyed, crazed, deranged, you're in danger:] TEETH!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Joey Sourlis

Character: The Man-Spider is a horrifying monstrosity that exists purely to spite god. Enemy creature.

Voice: The Man-Spider's voicelines are all gargles, tongue licks, and slurps. They are very hungry.

  • [Killed, lacks self awareness and the ability to vocalize, a deflating balloon:] *Pained

  • [Has acquired a mealed, frenzied, excited, hungry:] *Slurping and tongue licking*

  • [In a frenzy, can't control it's urges, after flesh:] *Gargling*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Flame Dog
Paid: 5 USD per line
cast offsite

Character: Mischevious little hounds possess dead dogs so they can continue playing fetch. Enemy creatures that leave when they're done playing.

Voice: Just dog sounds- any pitch is probably fine but medium pitch is likely preferred.

  • [Play time is over but you wanted to play more:] *Whine*

  • [Oh look, a squirrel:] *Bark*

  • [You just noticed a friend over there!:] Bark

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Banjo Frog
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Nschmuc1

Character: A boisterous full of themself frog, Banjo Frog travels around with their Frog Troupe bragging about accomplishments they certainly don't have. An enemy character.

Voice: Lower pitched operatic singer. Any gender is fine.

  • [Got caught putting a hand in the cookie jar, realizing they're in trouble and need to scatter:] Oooohhh!

  • [Has noticed you and wants to regale you with a thirty minute story about their glory days:] Oho!

  • [Essentially performing, jamming out and feeling good about themself, loud and attention-seeking:] OWAOW!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Bradley Gareth

Character: A master of all weapons, the Dragonslayer fights long after their body has died since it's the only thing they know.

Voice: Mid to low pitched, strong and intimidating threat. They should sound capable and inevitable.

  • [Vaguely threatening, matter of fact:] The
    gods can't hear you now

  • [Defeated, but not out of the fight for good. Looking forward to round two:] Until
    next time

  • [A statement of fact:] The
    battle is everything

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Crash Star

Character: A literal rock who's just kind of tired of all of this shit. You've caught them on their smoke break and they're going to take out their misgivings with the world on you. An enemy character.

Voice: Low, rough, grizzly. Any gender is fine. They communicate entirely in grunts.

  • [Killed, injured, shocked, a loud protest against their death:] HURH

  • [Is going to beat you to death but can't really be too assed about it:] ERH

  • [Upset that you interrupted their smoke break, angry with their boss and the world:] HARRR

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Hydra
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Joey Sourlis

Character: The three heads of the hydra were not all made equal. One head is responsible and brutish- a gangster and a thug. The other has gone mad, and seeks nothing but anarchy and chaos. The third is underdeveloped, lazy, and stupid but well meaning.

Voice: There are three voices (one for each hydra) that will speak during some of these lines. The "main" head is a low pitched male, a real brute and thug. The other voice is crazed, raspy, and violent. The last slow, confused, and unsure what's going on. Lower male voices should cover all of these.

  • [A thug about to sick his goons on his enemies:] Let's
    get 'em boys

  • [Crazed, craves delicious meat:] KIIIIIIIL

  • [Doesn't know what's happening, a confused dog:] Hrr?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Black Knight
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: KatRoman

Character: They wander from galaxy to galaxy searching for a worthy opponent- but have yet to find one.

Voice: Lots of different ways to make this one work so I'm not as picky about pitch or gender. What's more important is assertiveness, confidence, and sharpness. They should feel like a holy templar about to smite you from existence.

  • [Excited, thirsting for a worthy challenge:] THIS

  • [Calm, assertive, confident, threatening:] Your
    mother won't be sad, for long.

  • [Happy to have finally met their match, dying:] Finally…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shark Invader
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: thejediexile

Character: The leader of a Shark Invasion, tired of human pollution they have decided to end the world with the help of their sweet robotics.

Voice: Heavily distorted, they speak through a translator box. Medium pitch, should sound robotic or automated. Can be either in a typical Translation-Software style robotic or a customer facing phone-line recording. I think multiple approaches are valid and will have different readings. An unexpressive plain reading via translator box would work, as would an incredibly cheerful female customer support rep for contrast. Have fun with this one.

  • THE


  • SOON

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sun Man
Paid: 5 USD per line
Role assigned to: Rogerhanna

Character: A cackling lunatic who wants to be worshipped as a god.

Voice: High pitched male or female, jester type. Deranged and violent cackling.

  • [In denial, everything is falling apart, manic:] Oh
    no no no no no on no

  • [Excited, giggling, hectic, manic:] Smash
    Shatter BREAK!

  • [Deranged giggling:] Hehehehehehe


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