Melty Blood: Type Lumina Fandub

mismouse for Ciel

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Temporalitea

Ciel is another heroine of Melty Blood.

Voice Type - Medium to high, often serious, hot headed and work focused, but she still likes to enjoy herself a have fun while off the job.

Ciel falls into the big sister role. She is kind and caring, always wanting to help her friends and those around her. When she dawns her Executor persona, she becomes cold and harsh. 

  • It looks like the town is overrun with monsters again. As members of the Church it is our job to annihilate them. But it looks like I'm working alone tonight. 

  • Not only did she show up late, all she did on our first meeting was shop! I mean, seriously, we're supposed to work together to save this town!

  • What a great night's work that was! Now I can celebrate with some yummy food! 

Melty Blood: Type Lumina Fandub
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