Hallownest Vocalized | Bringing English VAs to Hollow Knight
Harper Xie Xie for 46) Willoh

A giraffe weevil who found a unique fungus growing in Queen's Station, very fond of scrumptious snacks.
Your audition should use a voice similar to the in-game character's voice, which you can listen to here: https://youtu.be/wCSIzI11q7I
[Notices the Knight] {context: The Knight's first encounter with Willoh}
Oh! Come in search of treats have you? I chanced upon a unique little fungus growing right above us. I've found it only in this station and the taste is just divine.
(inner monologue) [Mouth full of food] {context: Willoh talking to herself while indulging on delicious mushrooms}
Mmmf, delicious.
(inner monologue) [Pondering] {context: Willoh thinking to herself, "this little creature" being the Knight}
This little creature looks tasty. I wonder, should I eat it? The others around here were awfully bland.