Hikers Woe
TheVoiceOgre - AveryLuna for Serial Killer/ Name will be named while working on the project.
I'm not going to say much for this role expect, they are a ruthless murderer, I want people to give me everything they think this character should be, I want to hear and feel the character you are portraying.
[Do what ever you think is best.] What do You think, Should I plaster your entire body upon the wall Or should I show you the true meaning of Horror.
[Do what ever you think is best.] Well that was quite boring now wasn't it I wish I could have seen the horror when you found all the bodies.
[Do what ever you think is best.] Now Hiker, don't be that way, What do you think the main event tonight is going to be, Now. Now don't get your britches in a twist. We have only started to have fun.
Now that's an example of range!
Hey thanks! I remember you! You're awesome man, thanks so much for taking the time to comment and give feedback and such, you're great for the community!! <3