Hallownest Vocalized | Bringing English VAs to Hollow Knight
Richard Gibson for 6) Relic Seeker Lemm

Lemm moved into his shop in the City of Tears at some point after the place was already empty and everyone in it's tower was dead. While sometimes cold to the Knight, he's willing to pay for antiques and treasures it finds, hoping to glean from them information on Hallownest's intricate history.
Your audition should use a voice similar to the in-game character's voice, which you can listen to here: https://youtu.be/Dxn-Ddg4l7w
[Grumpy and Cold] {context: Lemm's first conversation with the Knight, in his shop}
Aye Aye. Come searching for rare items have you? Well hands off! This collection is mine and I won't be selling to grubby little wanderers.
[Friendly, but Pessimistic] {context: Lemm has gone outside his shop to view the great water fountain nearby. Its heavily raining on both the Knight and Lemm}
Oh? What are you doing out in this miserable downpour?
Impressive fountain isn't it? I'm sure we'd be able to appreciate it more if we weren't both getting drenched.
[Intrigued, then Knowledgeable] {context: The Knight sells Lemm a King's Idol}
A King's Idol, eh? Hallownest's king was an elusive figure, deified by the citizens. With the king rarely seen, worship was offered through these idols. There's an expert craft to them. Few alive could match this skill.